I'll Make You Famous…




On/Off Flasher Fridays on a Monday of the Day

As you may or may not know, I am like Desmund Tutu, basically dead…but also totally against a 2 class system based on basically anything that could inspire a two class system…unless the 2 class system is taken the uptight, outraged, woke idiots and eliminating them on society, maybe give them a WOKE island to yell at each other about how offensive they are about things that don’t really affect them…but other than that…I’m into everyone having the same opportunities to suck at life in the same places…

WHICH MEANS…vaccine passports make me mad because they clearly don’t work, at least not locally, where they had to lockdown all the places only vaccinated people are allowed….because they get and spread the shit they are vaccinated against…despite blaming those who don’t have the shot…

I know, who cares about COVID, I don’t…but I do think that if we’re going to set up microchips in our brains, it should be to give us the power of SEEING through clothing…so that I can judge every single pussy I cross in my life…but not those COVID pussies with their masks on…that’s not the pussy I mean…the pussy I mean is CUNT.

Posted in:OnOff