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Milf Monday of the Day

The word on the internet is that MILFs Matter…and I know what you’re thinking “NO THEY DON’T”….the whole idea of a MILF is only a positive experience when realizing that MILFs are easy because they view their kids like you view their kids….STDs that destroyed their cooter on the way out….and EASY is good…despite all those motivational speakers saying the easy road is NOT the best road, it’s the lazy road for the low ambition loser…which I guess MILF fuckers are…

Luckily, ladies my age are menopausal, so the whole MILF thing is a generation younger than me, so I can stare at these ladies for their bad decisions, not that having kids is really a bad decision, it’s sort of the way life is supposed to pan out, it’s kind of why we are all here….PROCREATION…the whole getting naked on the internet is probably the bad decision since it’s the internet and your nudity is a scared thing that shouldn’t be given out for free for some kind of cheap thrill when you feel that you can compete with gutter porn chicks out there…because they are gutter porn chicks and you can…

NOT THAT I WOULD EVER complain about nudity on the internet, it just amazes me that this is what so many middle aged moms do for fun..whether their mom pussies look like regular pussy or not….I guess the MILF tag makes the imperfections, the stretch marks, the sags justified so it’s easier to put it out there…even though them putting it out there is wild in the first place.

Posted in:Milf