Assholes behind thongs…are a reminder to myself that I would like to watch girls doing aerobics in their thongs….and not in an 80s thong over tights kind of way…but in a straight up thong kind of way….because it will give amble opportunity to showcase their assholes in an equitable way, you know make it mandatory for all girls to wear thongs to the fitness class so that there are no non-thong wearers feeling left out….plus the showcasing of their asshole is empowering…like an ADIDAS TITTY AD…it takes all kinds of assholes to make a village..and since everyone has one…it’s only normal for us to “I’ll so you mine if you really want me to, but I’d rather look at yours”…..and I know some non-asshole owner out there thanks to a birth defect or cancer is OUTRAGING out there….”HOW DARE YOU SAY EVERYONE HAS AN ASSHOLE YOU ABLEIST”……
YOU can’t please everyone, but I think ASSHOLES BEHIND THONGS try…and really why wear shorts when you can wear something less constrictive and more exhibitionist in this world of everyone being a exhibitionists, the shorts keep getting shorter and the tighter, we just need to get ahead of this TOGETHER…
Here’s some inspo shots for our THONG FITNESS WORKOUT routine I’m mapping out…
Posted in:Asshole Behind Thong