I'll Make You Famous…




On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day

Women may lie, but I like to think of them as the most glorious creatures on earth, they are just a little misguided, that’s all….

So when I see memes saying “We save women and children first, not because they are weak, but because they are valuable”….I totally fucking agree with that.

It’s just that society wants women to think they are weak, keep them down, and blame it on men for being misogynistic….

You know there was an era when misogynistic was one of them big words that no one even knew what it meant besides some nerdy academic fucks….but now every bitch in the fourth grade is screaming “Down with the Patriarchy”….part of an agenda to divide and conquer, can’t have strength or unity that a family provides…make them all whores into random sexual encounters then feel them pharma anti-depressants when they feel unfulfilled but can’t figure out why….THEY BEEN LIED TO..

But yeah, as part of the culture, women fucking lie, they don’t even look like women, but rather some weird ass muppets, because they’ve been convinced this doughy fake filtered faces on instagram, THANKS TO THE KARDASHIANS are what people think are beautful, so they are getting work done to look like an instagram bitch in a basic instagram pic….and because of dysmorphia…the lips are never big enough, the hairline never right, these girls are fucking going mental…

So in their LYING, they’ve got shape shifting underwear, they’ve got push up bras, and other fashion technology to totally mislead us…so when you see a hot bitch, even in a skin tight outfit, you know that once peeled off, it could be telling you a totally different story…you’ve heard an overstuffed sausage as an analogy for blowing out a pair of leggings that just can’t HOLD on as long as needed…

Which is why the On/Off is so important, even if I can’t tell which are doctored or not, I’ll assume they all are…but it’s a reference point and thy are naked….

I guess you’d call this collecting receipts…

See I speak internet too…what’s the tea?

Posted in:OnOff