I'll Make You Famous…




Em Rat Cow’s Still Got Them Tits of the Day

The world’s favorite influencer who got famous because of her awesome tits, and the right timing, and I guess her raw instagram influencer talent, that’s made her millions of dollars and a baby….STILL HAS HER TITS….and she wants you to know it.

I guess the rich as shit, famous as shit, celebrity from social media that’s even landed her in the movies, probably doesn’t like to reduce her success from all she’s done for brands, for her own brand and for her own personal image to her tits….but I do…since they are great tits.

They want you to feel shame in saying that a woman who is successful got there because of her tits, that her connections are because of their tits, made money because of their tits….but if it wasn’t for Em Rata’s tits….would anyone even know her name.

I guess with her own delusions or self awareness, who knows how much she actually hustled to be this superstar titty influencer, who when you compare to other girls who just use their tits for hits, she can convince herself that she’s got that It Factor, or digital marketing prowess….but could she have done it with an A-Cup….she’d probably say yes…..I tend to think no.

So as she plays a power woman, a feminist, she represents titty success, making so many young girls think they don’t have a shot, because they don’t have the tits needed for success…even if they have the same drive, talent, etc.

Who cares, because whatever Em Rata’s done to her face, is a much needed improvement, she’s looking hot again, but I’ve always found her hot, even with that bird-like face….and not just because of the tits, but they help….as they are wonderful so jerk off to them like a normal person would.

Posted in:Em Rata