I'll Make You Famous…




Mohamed Hadid and Paul Marciano are the Reason for Gigi Hadid of the Day

It is no real secret that nepotism exists. It is no real secret that people who live in LA, especially when they are the upper crust of LA, have a better chance of getting famous strictly based on geography and the people they know. It’s like if a producer wants a 18 year old babe to be in the movie, and their friend or neighbor has an 18 year old babe daughter, they just ask…it works out best for everyone…but I figured with all this hype around GIGI HADID, the latest Sports Illustrated girl from Malibu, who came out of nowhere, I should do some research into what her specific scam was and how she got herself into the magazine, thanks to family and friends…

You see, I don’t watch the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, and I didn’t know that her mom, YOLANDA FOSTER and dad, Mohamed Hadid were on it, but when I did, I realized just how easy it would be to figure out how the fame whore parents, who clearly wanted attention drawn on their billionaire selves, would position their girl, who they probably think is the best and hottest thing out there, who they probably want to give everything they can to, because they are egos themselves and anything they shat out is gold…

So in 2010, there was an article on Gigi Hadid’s 100 year old billionaire father, his name is Mohamed Hadid, who owned Ritz Carlton hotels and his possible ties to Islam.

This is the quote I pulled:

“Hadid is somehow connected to Islamic extremists are rendered quite absurd by his circle of eclectic L.A. friends, which includes the Jewish-American fashion designer Paul Marciano, CEO of the Guess? Brand. Te developer describes Marciano as being “like a brother to me.”

So the owner of GUESS? is a brother to Gigi Hadid’s dad…and an uncle to her…and all three years later Gigi Hadid is a GUESS? Model…because she was cast fairly amongst the other girls…and then she was pushed to Sports Illustrated…because GUESS? clearly has a direct link to the editors at Sports Illustrated because over the last 10 years Paul Marciano has fed Sports Illustrated his models…because the more famous the models get, the more relevant his brand remains…

He has given them most famously – Kate Upton who was too fat to be a model for anyone else and I guess as an uncle would, he’s trying to get Gigi Hadid to be the next Kate Upton..

He’s been using her in his campaigns SINCE SHE WAS A KID

That’s not to say Gigi isn’t a babe, isn’t sweet, isn’t deserving…it’s just to remind you that Sports Illustrated, and really all media is full of shit and the models they choose are a scam, a lie and influenced by advertisers, friends and families of the magazine, like in anything, and to think the girls they get modelling for free are anything “top model”or discovered at a bus stop…is pretty fucking stupid of you…everything you see is a fucking lie…

This is just a rich girl getting a pony for her 7th birthday the “I want to be a bikini model” version…it’s easier when they are rich…they have the door wide open, a solid PR team…it’s easy…Smoke and fucking mirrors..Sure this isn’t news, but this is as close as I get to journalism and breaking stories…take it in, it happens never…

She’s just another Kardasian…


Posted in:Gigi Hadid