I'll Make You Famous…




Britney Spears Does it for the Kids of the Day

I wonder who’s amazing idea it was to let the crazy lady play with innocent, unsuspecting kids. I remember when I was a kid, my foster parents took us on a trip to visit some religious cult in the mountains during the winter. Now I don’t know how familiar you are with religious cults, but they tend to breed insane fucking offspring. Sure the parents are all recovering addicts, fucked up people trying to get reformed, or just molestors figuring attaching themselves to something seemingly normal will distract the other parents from realizing that they like jerking off little boys. One night the parents had some Jesus dance, that was probably an orgy or something else twisted and distorted for God and they left this goth, before goth was really popular, who had been institutionalized numerous times for drugs and attempted suicide and assault and battery, fat 15 year old daughter of one of the families in the group to watch over the 5 kids of the other people in the group. Within five minutes of being left alone with the psycho, she was putting knives to are necks, threatening to burn down the house and even locked me outside in my pajamas to fend for myself because I called her out for being a fucking nutcase and making the other kids cry. In retrospect, I would rather have spent the night with her, than be alone with Britney Spears, despite how financially beneficial Britney is for ever dude who ever sticks his dick in her, she still remains and unstable mess of a person and I am pretty sure her pussy doesn’t smell like roses, unless those roses are dipped in rotting flesh, in which case she may smell like those specific roses, but not the roses you buy your mom on Mother’s Day.

Posted in:Britney Spears


