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Archive for the Britney Spears Category




Britney Spears Dance Porn of the Day

I may not be as quick as you are in getting these Britney Spears dance videos, it’s unfortunately not any exclusive content but rather something posted to her instagram and picked up by the TMZs of the world.

However, being slow to the draw, since it’s not an exclusive feature is fine when no one comes to this site for exclusive content, or even for my witty banter because no one comes to this site.

But it does make for a nice and weird place for me to catalog social media posts as if I care so much I pay a fucking server every month to host this shit and I have for 20 years.

Despite having no interest in celebrities, but falling into some sort of celebrity bear trap, similar to when these women first figure out how to use their vaginas to get producers and executives to give them a shot, only with no actual purpose or financial gain.

So here’s some Britney who I like to think is dead and replaced with AI or a body double because the original Britney was either killed off for knowing too much, or accidentally died like she was Michael Jackson, who is probably not actually dead but in hiding after faking his own death for knowing too much, otherwise they would have replaced him to keep on earning from him.

Anyway, Britney is in Mexico, her dances are more seductive and half naked because the sun and sand. Her brother is apparently with her spending her money on over-the-counter drugs you don’t need a prescription for that we’ll assume he’s spiking her tostadas with so that he can keep on spending her money.

It’s all so exciting, especially if she is dead because I’ve never seen a corpse, but then again, I never worked as an undertaker and I don’t have a necrophilia thing….

I am waiting for a Britney sex tape, I would like to be the one producing that sex tape. I could use the views.

Posted in:Britney Spears




Britney Spears in Leopard Print with her Tits Out of the Day

Britney Spears may be dead, but they are still WEEKEND AT BERNIE-ing her, which is a nice gesture to keep her memory alive and use her money for good not evil and by good not evil, I mean meth, which may be evil because meth addicts all hear demons in their heads.

You probably know celebrity gossip more than I do, since I don’t pay attention to any of this shit, I’m just interested in seeing these people sexualize themselves, trying to give boners, doing desperate moves despite being big earner.

In other words, I’m here for the tits in motion….

But last week, Britney’s brother’s wife or girlfriend, who looks like a street whore, was going mental on her social media about how Britney’s brother is in Mexico with Britney because they are moving there and he is spending her money on meth and hookers, which sounds like a fucking dream. Free meth and hookers off the back of your half retarded, if not dead, sister.

If your sister was some mentally stunted, possibly dead, vegetable they present as a pop star through weird dance videos, you’d probably want to have access to all her money to do the things that make you happy….like meth and hookers.

So they say Britney is in Mexico, moving to Mexico, buying real estate in Mexico, not wearing luchador masks in Mexico, eating Taco in Mexico, beach life in Mexico but where she’s producing the same medicated and weird dance videos in the dark from inside in Mexico…. which is why I think is stock footage or AI, but like her brother, I’ll pretend she’s still alive, not to spend her money on meth and hookers because Britney videos are MY meth and hookers. Does that make me a necrophiliac, or just someone who fucks retards?

Posted in:Britney Spears




Britney Spears Dance Video of the Day

I am a firm believer that if Britney Spears or her team of handlers that like you to believe she’s not dead while being totally dead, put out a video of her dancing weirdly, we should all do the decent thing and watch it.

Britney Spears is a legendary industry puppet who has been abused by the industry so hard that she ended up a braindead retarded weirdo and/or dead.

Her dances are so low quality that it is high concept, because we know she’s professionally trained, meaning she wants it to be bad…by design.

She claims she is moving to Mexico, where she may be killed off by the Cartel…so this is her house hunting in Mexico the way I’d want a girl to behave if she was here viewing the soiled couch I am renting in my shit stain of a basement apartment for 1000 dollars a month because it’s a housing crisis and she’s a Ukrainian refugee with a PUSSY….

Posted in:Britney Spears




Britney Spears Creepy Thong Dance of the Day

I like to think that Britney Spears is dead, but based on her content, she’s still worth fucking….

It’s the accessible necrophilia because she’s not a rotting corpse, sure the pussy may be rotten, but the rest of her is some reanimated flesh puppet you can use as a fleshlight…

The 45 year old mom, who MUST be a body double or sophisticated AI must be tolling us, because she is struggling so hard with her dance moves, like she’s drunk or her brain meds have given her vertigo.

They want you to believe that this is Britney Spears, DISNEY kid with 30 years of professional training…

I call bullshit…

Her captions help secure that this must be part of some higher level conspiracy:

Mystic temple and prophecies only felt by movement and revelations because the opening of the heart is one the world’s most beautiful mysteries !!! Am I the key ?

I don’t know much about the Satanic music industry, but I’m thinking this one is one of their sacrifices I’d be more than happy to scrape off their Satanic Sacrifice altar and fuck with either face or penis….because it’s BRITNEY BITCH…

Nice outfit choice momma. Dead or not, she’s a legend.

Posted in:Britney Spears




Britney Spears of the Jungle of the Day

Britney Spears slipped into a leopard print one-piece bathing suit where she danced like a really skilled professional dancer who spend a lifetime in the dance studio doing dances and not like an awkward aunt at the Christmas party with one too many egg nogs, or a woman in her 40s forced to work the day shift at the strip club because she developed an opiate addiction and she’s got crackhead energy in every awkward step you know she things is high concept and interpretive.

I am of the conspiracy that Britney is dead or this is a body double.

It could be old content before they killed her off or maybe it’s actually Britney in some bunker they don’t let her out of crying for help with this weirdness that includes brushing her teeth, drinking her Fiji water, doing a hand-puppet show or sign language SOS messaging with a titty grab.

Really, it doesn’t matter because her half naked middle aged dance routine is the kind of weird and crazy I get down with…

The captivity or potentially dead makes the jerking off to her dancing more meaningful…and if she’s AI, even better since your girlfriend is too.

Posted in:Britney Spears




Britney Spears Erotic Bathing Suit Behavior of the Day

The highlight of the week already happened in the form of Britney Spears, or the body double that plays Britney Spears, playing around in the ocean in a yellow bikini in what may be old content that she is repurposing…so from humping the air like a horny medicated retard…to crawling around in the tropical waters on all fours….featuring a bathing suit being eaten by her vagina…which is coincidentally a bathing suit that would be amazing if eaten by me….but only after days of use and weeks of fermentation in hopes of having a spiritual trip like micro-dosing mushrooms….to find some kind of enlightenment…where my fungus of choice is Britney’s toxic, medicated, pussy juice aged to perfection….because I’m weird.

What I am trying to say is that Britney may be dead, but she doesn’t need to be alive to be ALIVE to me…if you know what I mean..

I know the necros and doll fuckers out there get what I’m saying….SICKOS….

Posted in:Britney Spears




Britney Spears Keeps on Dancing of the Day

I am a firm believer that legalizing dancing was the fall of society.

I’ve seen Footloose and I think a dance-less town is a good place to fucking be.

You know, head out on the road to track down strippers a county over, while keeping your country safe from the retardation of dance.

Unfortunately, we’ve fallen too hard as a people and now we’re living in this bullshit internet world that skews our brains and that makes even the most remote hick, who has no business speaking like a “Valley Girl” with his UPTALK rather than the dialect of his remote living people in the island of their small town….

We’ve got people who would have never decided to switch up their genders if it wasn’t for internet…they’d be oppressed, not gay and weird buying all the trending items they are told to buy….or listen to…mass indoctrination.

Dance is part of the problem, the Chinese know it and exploit it with TikTok…clearly Britney or the AI they pretend is Britney, or the body double they say is Britney because Britney is dead keeps on dancing and crazy girls dancing is the only dancing you need…because you can pretend it is how she fucks….

Posted in:Britney Spears




Britney Spears Cups her Breasts of the Day

Britney Spears posted a picture of her cupping her big Louisiana sea food boil set of aged popstar tits.

It feels like it’s another one of her old content pieces that we’ve already seen posted, because they keep on recycling very similar photos to keep her instagram profile alive in a way that makes you think she’s alive.

I like to think that there’s some evil conspiracy, where Britney is in a mental spazz coma in the basement of her mansion, while her team keep her accounts updated to give you a sense that she’s alive but crazy.

So they post recycled half naked content, write insane captions that make no sense, like this one which was along the lines of “I know this picture looks like an old picture I posted, but I like to recreate pictures every year to see how I’ve changed, in order to build self esteem from all the jerks I’ve been taken down by over the last year in this crazy world”….or something along those crazy lines…

The only reason I believe it could be real is how bootleg it looks, the shit seems shot in the 00s on an early camera phone that only celebs had access to….but that could just be the aesthetic they are going for in packaging as crazy and always shooting dance videos in the same place in her house…

Dead or alive, crazy or not, free or in captivity, she’s still Britney Spears and I’ll stare at her videos even if that shit is old content or AI…it’s Britney motherfuckers…

Posted in:Britney Spears




Britney Spears Dancing to Get Us Through the Night of the Day

I am convinced that Britney Spears is dead and whatever they are presenting of her is a body double, AI, or old content.

I realize she did a video before posting these dance moves about the VMAs, some kind of tribute to her life before being medicated by her handlers, assuming she hasn’t been medicated by her handlers since they first brought her out of the cloning lab they build these celebrities in, before they brain wash them and turn them into money making machines….

It’s current, like a hostage holding up the newspaper but I still think she’s dead and whether she’s or not, I’ll still watch her weird dance videos that seem to be part of some sort of conspiracy that only insiders are kept up to speed on, some everything is scripted or for a reason that we don’t understand because it’s part of an even bigger conspiracy because it’d be boring if a star of her size fell off this hard and isn’t even releasing porn clips, just weird panty clips.

I guess we’ll see how they conclude the Britney Spears story of abuse, but while they figure out their storylines, I’m here to watch her panty dances…and now so are you.

Posted in:Britney Spears




Britney Spears Farts on a Hat of the Day

Here’s a video of Britney Spears gyrating the air, like she’s fucking a ghost, or one of the voices in her crazy head.

She’s also in a skimpy bikini and showing off her pubic bone, which is something that she does in these weirdly shot videos from the prison she calls home.

I still think she’s on a Green Screen, or that this shit is just AI, but I don’t think it really matters whether Britney is dead, or if she’s actually in the midst of a mental breakdown that we are experiencing, or if her handlers just want us to think she’s being crazy while using a body double, while she’s in a medical induced coma in her a hospital bed in her basement….

I think the whole thing is pretty erotic….and I’m not even into girls farting in cowboy hats as a fetish….

I’m more into half naked 40 something pop stars crashing and burning in the weirdest of ways…she’s professionally trained but handles the internet like a crackwhore who just got her first phone with a camera on it from the government so she’s doing her best to make it count…

Posted in:Britney Spears