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Archive for the Britney Spears Category




Britney Spears Thong of the Day

The biggest news in the country right now is probably not based around Britney Spears, but she’s about as crazy as the rest of them, so why not make it about Britney Spears….

Is the president dead, is the former president a survivor thanks to the grace of god, or was it part of a WWE performance to throw off the entire equilibrium of the plan…..Politics man…is anything real, or is it all an elaborate show to distract us so that they can keep us enslaved, controlled and tricked into think we are free! We have no leaders and are all slaves…

Britney Spears should run for President. Give the people what they actually want, a survivor who escaped modern slavery to be free enough to post pics of her ass on instagram….something some would call a hero…someone who can help us escape the slavery we are under by the machine…..

Normally, the modern slavery forces the girls to perform sex acts against their will with paying customers, you know the whole human trafficking thing…or pay taxes off their wages and on everything they buy….

Britney’s not like other slaves, she’s the kind who wasn’t able to do those sex acts due to her slavery so now that she’s been released from the clutches of her legal team, her management team, her corporate advisors and the machine that was behind creating her…so can be free to do the sex content she always wanted for her feed, for her brand, it’s her name afterall.

Unfortunately, her sex content is weak…and comes in the form of an ass in thoing selfie, that we can’t confirm is even her ass and not some Britney body-double in a wig. We don’t know if that ass is a girl ass or a transgender ass trolling us…there’s just not enough context to the ass.

Her caption, as cryptic and confusing as all her captions reads:

“You know me ??? Me don’t know english … say hello to my ass !!!”

What could she mean, is she sending us messages, is she crazy, is she alive, is this even her, is this picture old, is it AI….we’ll never know….but we can still look at it and accept it as truth, like we do with everything else the media brainwashes us with.

And a video:

Posted in:Britney Spears




Britney Spears is a Good Time….of the Day

Be like Britney Spears, assuming she’s not dead….which I guess we can’t do.

Posted in:Britney Spears




Starting the Day with Britney Spears Creepiness of the Day

I have decided that Britney Spears is basically a premise of some kind of evil horror movie, where the girl was created by the industry in the Disney Cloning labs and the second she started going off course from their scheduled programming and became unpredictable, they killed her off, replaced her with a body double or medicated the fuck out of her under some conservatorship of her handler, who cared so much about her well being that they basically farmed her out to the world performing, the one place a jacked up on meds girl would do if she was living in a brothel and her pimp needed to make his rent money.

Anyway, I like to think this gapped tooth Britney they pretend is free is an imposter we’ve just accepted as Britney because we are dumb and believe what we are sold.

She feels like she produces hostage videos as she dances and tugs on her shorts….awkwardly and not like a top pop star would…

But her thick neck. and downward facing nipples make me think it is actually the real Britney….it’s just a lot sadder when it’s not some elaborate conspiracy of murder, body doubles, medication, scandal….and instead just some destroyed victim of abuse trying to figure it out weirdly…..

Regardless of whether this is Britney, AI, or a body double, whoever this is doesn’t run her social media…there are SINISTER forces at play.

Posted in:Britney Spears




Britney Spears Old Lady Sloppy Titty Dance of the Day

I don’t know why the only interesting thing in pop culture is the Britney Spears storyline I’ve created in my head, where the free Britney is actually an AI digital filter or body double because the real Britney is dead. They call it the thick neck filter.

I am not even interested in the Lohan comeback on Freaky Friday 2 with her PRIDE MONTH movie about Jamie Lee Curtis’ hermaphrodaic cock turning into a fire crotch…and Lohan was the targeted personality in the early stages of the site…because we needed a hook and she was the ultimate…

So as an outdated late 90s blogger, which is humiliating to admit, hence my terrible marketing skills…Britney still stimulates…but that could just be the crazy corpse with sloppy braless tits who constantly shows off her pubic bone content her team puts out there…

Posted in:Britney Spears




Old Lady Britney Spears Clone Gets Dirty in the Garden in a Bikini of the Day

Britney Spears posted some garden erotica for the perverts out there.

She’s rocking a skimpy bikini that she pulls down for you to see her bald pubic bone, which is exhilerating for those of you who are interested in almost seeing Britnery’s well kempt mom box that we can assume has seen some shit and at time smelled like shit…there was that era she didn’t shower in her “crazy”….

The thick necked old lady who is apparently free is showing off some pretty low level gardening skills, but I’d still subscribe to the YT channel.

Sure, it may not teach me how to horticulture, but it taps into whore culture and I like that.

We may not be able to live off the land with the produce we end up growing with her guidance, but we can imagine latching onto her mom tit and living off those until the heavy psychotic meds take us out.

What I am saying is that Britnery is inspiring….even if she’s AR or a Body Double…I’d like to be her personal assistant.

Posted in:Britney Spears




Britney Spears Tit Out of the Day

Britney Spears is the highlight of all of our pop culture celebrity gossip lives, because she’s not that AI they call Taylor Swift that is taking over the minds of retards everywhere….they call themselves SWIFTIES but that’s just being nice or even rude because they are retards….you know like calling a retard bright light or sharp guy…or other naked to let the world know you’re joking because clearly dude’s a retard.

Britney Spears is from a better era of jerking off to pop stars in their music videos….

She’s probably dead and this is likely old content or AI like Taylor Swift, trying to takeover the world and destroy society….but even when dead popstars or AI version of popstars have their nipples out, they matter to me.

Posted in:Britney Spears




Britney Spears in a Yellow Bikini of the Day

I would assume that the only thing interesting in celebrity gossip, since this is basically a celebrity gossip site, even thought I know nothing about celebrities, and it’s really more a celebrity titty site because celebrities happened to post their tits consistently when I was starting the site and getting the normies I was more interested in to allow me to post their tits was a huge fucking headache…so thanks to laziness we are here…

Celebrity is pretty non existent now that everyone thinks they are a celebrity, or have the ability to be a celebrity, and that level of narcissism or learned narcissism makes them not care about celebs unless they can use it as a content piece in their own celeb, like going to a Taylor Swift contest.

So the old timer celebs like Britney Spears are really the last generation of organic celebrity, natural celebrity, celebrity bred in their own cloning labs that forced the normies out, or that rarely allowed a normie in, unless the normie sacrificed a goat or worse….

Britney Spears is a classic, we’ve all seen her or the replacement models and AI rendering of her grow into this free and nutty person…

I am convinced she’s dead or they’ve swapped her own with new clones, which would explain why she posted a tribute to her middle earth technician saying “HI”.

She is apparently in Mexico, where she got lost for an hour, and decided to post yellow bikini and birkenstock lesbian footwear, tits out and bottoms pulled down, because that’s what a FREE celebrity does….when they are free….they make videos that feel like hostage beheading videos of Liveleak past…

Fun to try to jerk off to though.

Posted in:Britney Spears




Britney Spears Handstand Walking of the Day

Britney Spears posted some complaint or grievance about the location of this video being shot in her hotel room in Vegas, where she lived for years, for free, thanks to having a huge Vegas show, where all was likely catered to her, being some horrible experience, because “she lived there by herself for all those years”….when we all thought she was under strict control all those years….get your story straight.

I have always said that she was abducted in plain site and no one gave a fuck, which is truth…but at the same time, she was rich and held in captivity in a Vegas penthouse, which is the kind of prison some of us save for our whole lives to experience.

The point is she’s doing a handstand walk, keeping herself entertained, and with any fitness or really position a women puts herself in, I’m thinking of the ways she can get fucked in that position, not quite a talent, more of retardation…

Posted in:Britney Spears




Britney Spears Grabbing Her Titties of the Day

Britney Spears, or the actor who is playing Britney Spears, or the AI that is playing Britney, or Britnery as I like to call her, is causing a little controversy.

I’m not sure if it’s from her grabbing her tits while producing half dead dance videos that don’t really feel like they are a professionally trained top of the charts performer who has done this kind of thing for over 20 years. They feel like a sluggish drunk woman won Disability celebrating her birthday at the local bar, all toothless and shit.

The media is saying that she’s going broke with all her outrageous spending on who the fuck knows what since she doesn’t even exist. She is always in the same fucking room doing the same dance in the same clothes that look like they were picked up at a rummage sale back at the Louisiana Church where she grew up.

They say that she NEEDS her conservatorship back to control her banks that she’s being as mental as her dance moves with….

I think it’s all a LIE and that Britnery is actually dead in the basement somewhere and this reanimated Britnery is not the Britney we once jerked off to because MTV was our only porn.

Here she is doing masturbating on a horse.

Posted in:Britney Spears




The Actress who Plays Britney Spears Weird Titty Grab of the Day

Britney Spears got into a red dress, looking all boxy and mom-like, probably playing dress up because she’s locked in the same room all her content is shot from and it gets boring.

In the video set to Bryan Adams’ Love a Woman Song, which you can watch by pressing PLAY, you will see that she’s posing seductively and dead in the eyes because she is probably AI , her dress strap falls and she puts in back up but only after she grabs a handful of her tits.

I don’t know if it’s AI, body double, replacement Britney, or old content being recycled of Britney, but I do know a mom in a tight dress, all boxy and menopausal is far more exciting when it’s a pop star like Britney Spears and not some chain smoking hag at the bus stop. It’s Britney or they want us to think it’s Britney Bitch…

Posted in:Britney Spears