I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Dollforum Post of the Day

These Sex Doll people are fucking weird. There is endless material on this site. This is the first post I read, and it officially blew me the fuck away. It’s about a guy who’s sex doll has been accepted by his family, including his daughter and his dog. He also secured a threesome with his doll and his wife. I guess the weird think is that – Dude’s only got a torso. not a full doll…anyway – read it – you will laugh!

Our Natalie torso , Nicky (the wife named her), has been here a couple weeks now. We had a bit of a hard time when the wife had to go to the hospital, but now she’s feeling better, we have time to play.

Nicky is a big hit around here. I’ve played with her when I have time. The wife has accepted her, and my daughter saw her & wants to do makeup. Dinky gets to sleep with her when no one is home (ever since he was a puppy, he doesn’t sleep good unless he’s in physical contact with someone).
The wife agreed to a threesome, actually she asked to try it. Let me tell you guys, it was great! If any doll owner can get his girlfriend/wife to join in, this is a wonderful mix of real affection and fantasy. I am forbidden by wife’s command to give details, but I think Nicky has won a permanent place in our bed
One odd thing I have found, is that while I was a bit sad at first about Nicky not having arms & legs, the lack of apendages has helped in many positions and activities. Besides the sex aspect, cleaning her is no more trouble than taking her into the shower with me. This also leads to some fun play:) Caution here, however, a soapy doll is tough to hang onto. Nicky also sits perfectly in a chair when in her room, making storage a breeze. I had some work to do, and tucker her under a desk. The wife saw this & scolded me -so back up in her chair she went.
The only thing the wife had me do, was take her horns off when ‘we’re three’ . Yup, she caught one in the ear.

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