I'll Make You Famous…




Madonna’s Freakish Nipple Sneaks onto Instagram of the Day

I am late to the game on this one, because part of me wants to believe it didn’t happen, not because I fear old nasty nipples, but because I remember thinking Madonna in her prime had hot nipples when she was doing a lot of work to influence the female hive mind to be more sexual in a time they needed that kind of degeneracy.

She’s become more of a parody, or a performance art project in her sitting on her pile of money, aging out old and not gracefully, and with that comes a lot of weird content….

One could argue that she was a troll back when she was being controverisal in the 80s and 90s and continues to be a troll, because it pays.

One could argue the big weird nipples she’s posted to her instagram are prosthetic and not the real deal…since they were never so big…but with all the jacking herself up, who can be sure of anything on the internet….I mean is this even Madonna or a tranny they brought into replace her.

The good news is nipples on instagram always win and no matter how hard I ignore them, they always seem to work their way onto the site…even if I am not sure they are actually nipples….in which case…what are they besides creepy as shit….who cares.

Posted in:Madonna