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Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

I think my favorite thing about the pussy wedgie trend is that girls who are rocking pussy wedgies in the streets are jacking the pussy wedgie up inside themselves as part of their outfit…

You see, we all know the internet version of the trend or fetish of the cameltoe is done intentionally, that’s the internet, fake as shit…

BUT the real life cameltoes that I saw ALL summer over the last few summers, since bitches are in their SEAL HUNTED SEAL SKIN SNOWSUITS up here in Canada right now, too thick for even the fattest pussy to be cameltoed….

So the REAL life cameltoes are bitches who see the cameltoe on the internet, think it’s a style trend and not just some pervert showing off pussy to get clout without being deleted off IG since the pussy is clothed….just show how fat the pussy is and people will like and follow….

So like bitches who used to “where’s my purse” or “let me put lip gloss on” before heading out to do menial tasks are pulling their pants into their cunts because they think they are supposed to because the internet GAMED them.

That’s funny and hot…the MORE pussy wedgies the better.

Posted in:Pussy Wedgie