I'll Make You Famous…




Fishnet Friday of the Day

Fishnets are more than just a survival tool that you should stock up on in the even that there is an impending apocalypse, you could wait until the looting happens, but you’ll probably miss out on all the fishnets because the whores and the cross dressers will beat you to them, because in an apocalypse there are two types of people, those who go off grid, who want to survive and those who spread their legs for the best possible person to take care of them….and FISHNETS may be part of that process of entrapment.

The point of the story is fishnets are hot and practical….you can survive off them and not just by sniffing them like smelling salts after being knocked out….or sucking whatever fungus may be growing on them…but because they are multi-functional and you NEVER know when you’ll need a pair for sex, to dress up a random you find repulsive and want to see them wrapped up, or to survive foot shortages….I’m a fan, how could you hate em. YOU CAN’T!

Posted in:Fishnets