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Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

I like to think the sexualizing of the lactating tit is just the next level of the sexualizing of everything and anything….

I mean, I’ve always stared at tits being pulled out in public, whether it’s some party whore or a mom trying to feed her baby, or a party whore trying to feed her baby, it’s a tit….

I never fell into the whole lactating tit doing what it is designed to do, probably what your mom’s tit did for you, unless you’re a formula baby with no attachment to your mom, which could be why you hate her so much and are incapable of love….

Clearly, people have fallen into the lactating tit doing what it is designed to do fetish, because otherwise the lactating women wouldn’t be making erotic content out of lactation and would go back to campaigning social media platforms to not shame them for posting breast feeding pics. FREE THE NIPPLE.

Maybe people are lonely, or sterile and not breeding, so the idea of ever being with a lactating tit is like jerking off to hentai….a fantasy….

Maybe people just aren’t into regular tits being flashed, you need a twist and in this case the twist is that the tit does party tricks intended for babies, but versatile and impressive amongst adults too…in a “you’re not supposed to be slutty, you’re still lactating”…

Or maybe people are just over eaters, always hungry, emotional eating pigs and get excited knowing that lactating tits can fuck you dry while keeping you satiated thanks to the caloric intake….

Who cares, it’s happening man…

Posted in:Lactating