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Medical Worker Monday of the Day

The medical industry may be silly….but it saves lives…even if the most common cause of death is medical malpractice…and that the most common overdose is straight from the pharma labs…whatever…it saves lives…and sure the people who work in the industry may be brainwashed idiots…always watch those who are overpaid because they get blinded by the overpay and they think they are more important, smarter and even god-like because of the overpay….because some of the biggest idiots are the most trained…

But none of that matters when it comes to the girls who work int he medical field by day and get naked on the internet by night, or by day, I guess depending on their shift, because there are a lot of SCRUB wearers at work getting naked on the internet, it’s a fetish…just not my fetish…I mean other than the whole NORMIES CAN’T HANDLE PORN so they get naked on the internet part of the story….that part I like…the whole working in a hospital with sick people is gross to me…all those body fluids and not the HOT kind all over them all day…vile…BUT getting naked at a serious job, I can fuck with.

Posted in:NURSES