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Feminist Friday of the Day

These braless chicks may just be in it for the trend, the style, the fashion, the comfort…I am sure there are many reasons that a bitch wouldn’t wear a bra and most don’t have anything to do with dismantling the patriarchy….since men would likely all be on board with girls having their tits visible through their shirts…rather than harnessed up in some strappy contraption, unless of course that man owns a bra company….

So I just make it about feminism as an excuse to say the feminism is bad, not only does it turn women to witchcraft, but it destroys the family structure, leads to miserable lives or working whores with no purose who are miserable people and since they are never satisfied, they’ll just continue to complain and annoy about how unfair everything is, because it will never be good enough for them and it’s all the white man’s fault…

It’s like you give a woman the right to vote and it all goes to shit…not that we take women seriously, but we still have to listen to the whining…

However, when tuned out bralessness is great….because hating feminists doesn’t mean hating women OR their tits, even FEMINIST tits….

Posted in:Feminist