I know that when I see FEMINIST in some chick’s bio, I write them off as some indoctrinated retard that I want nothing to do with because I know they are just so brainwashed that they must be obese blue haired cat owners who are totally unfuckable and think of themselves as THEYS/THEMS.
I saw some bullshit propaganda on Reddit about girls ranting about the men they hate who have taken the “red pill”, apparently because it is part of the fabricated “Man-o-sphere” where the men are misogynists who objectify women and want them to both be hot and dedicated to taking care of the house doing women things like cooking, cleaning, laundry, which almost seems like a fucking lie to me.
I thought taking the red pill meant that you were aware that everything is a fucking stage, the world is designed to benefit a handful of people, and we are plugged into the matrix of working and paying these scumbags our taxes on everything they tax, slaves to the wage, to debts, to mortgages, to pandemics, inflation, climate change lies, gender and sexuality lies, because we buy into the lie as the other group of blood sucking satanists improve their elite selves by doing things like wildfires and pushing climate agendas and wars and other shit none of us care about, but are puppets forced to partake or fund these things…..
Anyway..they are trying to say that the red pill is men who “swallow” the red pill believe the oppression of women is a myth, men are socially disenfranchised, and men and women are inherently different. Consequently, this line of thinking devolves into hateful, violent, and incel-esque ideology.
When the red-pill is really figuring out that all this is a fucking scam and that we aren’t actually free, but if we did realize we were free, we could all get together and fight the oppressor no matter what are race, color, faggotry is…
So yeah, girls who identify as FEMINISTS are like girls who read BUZZFEED articles about the red pill and I don’t want to associate these hot braless chicks or the braless movement with that shit, when bralessness should be celebrated because it allows me to basically see full tit through shirt on strangers when I leave the house, which last time I checked was a fucking gift.
So feminists are bad news, internet hive mind retards, where as braless chicks are amazing, so here’s some bralessness.

Posted in:Feminist