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Archive for the Feminist Category




Feminist Friday of the Day

Feminism may be dead.

The bastardization of Feminism may be part of the satanic agenda….

It’s not about Women’s Equality, but rather normalizing women being whores.

We like whores, so maybe that’s not a terrible thing….

Sure, it’s a terrible thing for them, no one will ever respect them, no one believes sex work is real work, sacrificing a family for selling pussy for designer purses could be empty, but hey…..who fucking cares….that’s their problem….and we get all the content to see.

These girls are not necessarily feminists, but they are braless, fighting the constraints of the PATRIARCHY by stripping off the bra and I hate bras as much as I hate feminists, they’re too challenging to remove, so I like whats’ going on here….and you should too.


Posted in:Feminist




Feminist Friday of the Day

It is probably unfair to label these ladies feminists, because everyone knows there’s so much negativity around feminism now, thank to the outraged blue hairs of the internet appropriating it into something terrible….

Thanks to them, there’s a move to the TRAD LIFE, TRAD WIFE, which as far as I’m concerned is actual feminism. Stay home with the kids, taking care of the family, having some actual purpose, leaving an actual IMPACT on the world through your legacy….but instead they want you to think having a corporate job and cats is the answer.

The only good thing about modern feminism, is that girls use it as an excuse to sell nudes to losers, like they are feminists, man hating feminists and scamming loser dudes willing to pay is EMPOWERING….

These ladies are just girls without BRAS, nothing malicious, political, controversial in that….it’s a fashion statement, it’s tits through shirts! HI TITS through shirts!


Posted in:Feminist




Feminist Friday of the Day

As silly as the feminist agenda may be, as much as it convinces women to avoid the traditional family to instead work for the man and be a tax payer….you know get cats woman….not babies…

It is now being used or weaponized or made into a valid excuse for sex work being real work, and as much of a lie as that may be, it’s pretty funny to watch girls who would fuck you or send you nudes ever, post nudes on the internet while on their hook-up culture adventures because they think it is women’s empowerment…

Braless women aren’t all feminists, it’s braless, a trend, fashion, comfort, I just call them feminists, which reminds me of feminism….and how dumb it is, but hey, it gets girls naked….so it can’t be all that bad…right?


Posted in:Feminist




Feminist Friday of the Day

What is a woman?

Apparently a woman is not a man who lives as a woman in the world of WORLD ATHLETICS…because they just banned trans competitors from going against the women, so don’t expect Bruce Jenner to come back as Caitlin to destroy in the track and field categories he won back in 1976….which made him a legend….

It would be a smart viral campaign for the Olympic, you know, to show how inclusive they are by letting Bruce come in as Caitlin and destroy all these 20 year olds well into his 70s, you know to prove how fair it is for men to compete against women in sport, and to remind women athletes why men sexualize them instead of watching their sport, they just are advanced enough athletically…

I am sure feminists will take issue with that, but they take issue with everything…

One of their own from a YOUTUBE channel is going viral, people trying to cancel her, because she said being reduced to a person with uterus, or birthing person, or person who menstruates is derogatory and ANTI- WOMAN….because it is….

Trans are trans, women are women, men are men, stop the fucking insanity, it’s idiotic and obviously a distraction from something far bigger, maybe end of the world shit……

Another distraction, my favorite distraction, one that I hope replaces internet whining again, when everyone gets off their politic shit and go back to being normal…is the tits.

Now I don’t know if these are all women, or feminists, we’ll assume they are….so what is a woman doesn’t matter, when staring at tits….THE WAY it fucking should be.


Posted in:Feminist




Feminist Friday of the Day

Feminism is all part of the agenda to destroy the family unit, that paved the way for men castrating themselves to become women, because women power…..

It’s part of the agenda to equate any fail a woman has to the SYSTEM working against them, to the PATRIARCHY being responsible…so FUCK MEN…

It’s like a woman can’t get fired, dumped, kicked off the island, without a group of women coming together and saying “it is not your fault, it’s society hating you for having a pussy”….when really, from my experience, her having a pussy is everything good about her…

So stop putting words in our damn mouth, and put them titties in our mouth instead!

These aren’t necessarily empowered feminists claiming their sexuality, but they are braless, which feminists try to appropriate from hot chicks…while shaming TRAD chicks….because FEMINISTS ruin everything!


Posted in:Feminist




Feminist Friday of the Day

These braless may not be traditional feminists, but they could be the kind of girls who go along with the whole “be a feminist”, “be empowered”, manipulate men out of their money like a stripper putting on the hype moves when the lap dance songs start coming to an end so that she gets you in for another dance, only the internet version that has no human contact, just screens and keyboards in the privacy of your own basement dwelling sadness…

SO yeah, the real feminsts are the blue haired, dumpy, fat, lesbian looking man hating bitches, who also hate hot chicks, but have managed to manipulate hot chicks into being sex workers for their GENDER rights, or some shit….and I’m into it.

So yeah, Bralessness is more of a fashion statement than a political statement, so I should rebrand this post FASHION FRIDAY not FEMINIST FRIDAY because we’re at a point where calling a girl a feminist is just insulting….and I don’t want to insult the hot braless girls of the internet showing off some TITTY, because I like titty therefore I like them for showing titty off.


Posted in:Feminist




Feminist Friday of the Day

Braless girls may not be feminists in this era of showing off your tits if you’ve got tits to show off….

But I figure that if they are women, of a certain age, in this current internet propaganda NPC world of robot, aiming to please, always wanting to be on the right side of history so that people don’t cancel them or shame them….that they’ll all be on the feminist kick because they’ve been told being feminist means being a girl who does what she wants when she wants…



So girls may WANT to post tit pics, OTHERS fuck videos, WHEN they want…because they are empowered….

Ok, I’m into it, but I don’t know if that’s really the same as equal opportunity, pay and other GIRL power shit….if anything it’s a little exploitative, but I’ll take it!


Posted in:Feminist




Feminist Friday of the Day

I am not really the kind of person who minds misrepresenting people. You know, calling out products that don’t cause cancer or turn people gay even if there’s no proof that they do, or misgendering someone, or not using their pronouns, obviously, that shit is just dumb….but I don’t mind telling the wrong story about the wrong person….or mixing up my facts, it’s all part of the fun of being an internet heathen troll who doesn’t know how to use his pickled brain properly….I blame facial recognition blindness, it’s a condition.

Anyway, for some reason, probably one in which I hate the modern activist, everyone is a feminist, bullshit….

Yeah, equal rights for women, whatever, obviously, who fucking cares….but the whole “I sell pussy pics to incels or PAY PIGS because fuck the patriarchy” when the patriarchy is fucking you dummy….is just annoying…

I also know that there are women out there who aren’t annoying or political about posting up slut content…

Like there are women, a whole bunch of them apparently, in a new trend where they share their dreams of having babies and are shook up about it when they wake up and don’t have babies, because society has lied to them…

So to say a braless girl is a feminist, when she may just like showing off her tits, feels wrong to me, because I don’t want to hate the girls doing this, I want to LOVE and CHERISH their hard work and contribution to a better tomorrow, TODAY.


Posted in:Feminist




Feminist Friday of the Day

Here are some braless girls who aren’t militant lesbians you don’t want to fuck, but I still call them feminists because feminism as a concept isn’t all that bad of a thing, I mean other than operating heavy machinery, women are as qualified or more qualified than men to get a job done. I mean there’s a reason they are moms who run shit while dads sit at home on their ass farting, watching sports and thinking of tits. Women are more impressive than men on all levels, except the heavy machinery thing, which is likely part of the reason we like to fuck them.

SO…feminism, good, put women in the workforce so we can stay at home dad because we are lazy and like to jerk off all day, working is for suckers…

It’d probably be better or more feminist if women didn’t buy into that lie of working for the man instead of raising the kids, you know by letting men think they were the captor, the earner, the supporter, the captain of the house, the one in charge, the knight in shining armor, while they roll their eyes knowing dude’s a fucking moron as most dudes are…all so they can sit at home and masturbate all day like smart housewives do.

Who cares, so long as getting nude or semi nude on the internet is part of the plan, because whether it’s to denounce the patriarchy, to cry about equal pay, to scam dudes out of money or not, I’m looking at your tits and nothing else matters, I can EASILY filter out the noise. It’s a married man skill and I got it.


Posted in:Feminist




Feminist Friday of the Day

Feminism leads to women turning their back on family

Whether it leads to turning their front to getting paid and climbing the corporate ladder, to feel like they are independent BOSS BITCHES….onlyh to end up infertile and alone, with cats, wine and money they can use to sugar mommy dudes who don’t mind fucking old pussy for money…..which I guess is an empty existence….

Or it leads to turning their front to rich dudes who see them as hookers and who compensate them for being hookers and who may even knock them up as hookers so that they are hooked in and paying the hooker for life, always hearing from the hooker, and being annoyed by the hooker, realizing they should have used condoms with the hooker as it was a fucking trap…..

Either way, two miserable situations that are the common outcome, yet here we have women bragging and celebrating feminism….like it’s not a psy-op to rob them of happiness.

These girls are just braless on the internet, not necessarily annoyingly braless, politicized bralessness, but it reminds me of how dumb feminism is, so that’s why we call it that….

It also reminds me of how hot braless tits are!


Posted in:Feminist