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Archive for the Feminist Category




Feminist Friday of the Day

Due to a lack of FROG BUTTS – because girls aren’t posting FROG BUTT pose as much as WE need them to do…which is probably a good thing because I used every FROG BUTT joke that I could possibly think of and NONE were good…

I was forced to go back to the drawing board and find another FRINGE GROUP of women doing a SIMILAR slutty act for the internet, in the form of PICTURES and VIDEOS that start with the LETTER “F” because that’s how basic and retarded that’s about the capacity I have in the creative process after 18 years of failure.

I came up with FATTY FRIDAYS…where I would point and laugh at FATTIES….and then I came up with FEMINIST FRIDAYS…but not blue haired dudes on hormones who cut off their dick feminists….I’m talking old school “I don’t wear a bra” feminists…even though no one wears a bra….SO this “feminism” dates me…but this “feminism” is the good kind of “taking off my bra to fight the patriarchy”….like sucking dick on camera for money to fight the patriarchy…but less insane and misguided!!



Posted in:Feminist




Period Yoga Instagrammer of the Day


This cunt bled all over it’s white yoga pants…because period is a woman’s obligation and they shouldn’t hide it with a tampon that can kill them via Toxic Shock syndrome…or a bulky pad that men will judge them for…even though I’ve never laughed at a girl wearing a pad…or made them feel insecure….I am still a believer that men will fuck anything, hairy, fat, bleeding or not…and the whole Be Ashamed thing is just stories women tell women in the grocery store and washing machine store….

The only thing annoying about period blood is when it ruins sheets, mattresses and YOGA pants….

But this girl has it all figured out – use your period for a purpose to liberate yourself…like period blood artists…only in blood soaked pants and everyone will celebrate like it’s so shocking….knowing it’s planned, contrived makes it hilarious…

I’ve been with girls in white bikinis who get their periods on car seats and no one got mad about it, bed sheets ruined no one has got mad about it, I’ve been covered in period blood like it was tribal war paint and no one got mad, yet women have this narrative that men find blood gross – only if it comes from a vagina…while I think men just think it’s gross because it is blood…but try arguing that with a woman..they are women…and thus experts…even though every dude I know has fucked a period….at least once…and avoid it or pretend to be grossed out by it – to ensure…blowjob…

That said, I think men should start wearing white pants and shitting themselves…because we shit…often times daily…we can do it for the little boys in India not toilet paper…since women don’t like to eat our shit covered asses…it’s only fair…as we walk around in shame after we shit…and use air freshener and try to go fast so our dates don’t think we are shitting….

Here is her poem you can jerk off to while watching the video, I find it a funny message that is targeted to get more followers than to really have any other purpose…

She’s angling hard…new feminsm is so fake.

I am a woman, therefore, I bleed.

It’s messy, it’s painful, it’s terrible, & it’s beautiful.
And yet, you wouldn’t know. Because I hide it.
I bury things at the bottom of the trash. I breathe, ragged and awkward through the cramps, all the while holding onto this tight lipped, painted on smile.
Tampons? What are those. We don’t say those words out loud. Hide them. In the back pocket of your purse, in the corner of the bathroom drawer, at the very bottom of your shopping cart (please let me get a female cashier).
Events or engagements get missed. I’ll tell myself it’s the PMS, sure, but it has more to with the risk of being “caught,” at what…I’m not quite sure.
And I’m lucky.

Over 100 million young women around the globe miss school or work for lack of adequate menstrual supplies, & fear of what might happen if the world witnesses A NATURAL BODILY FUNCTION.


Because hundreds of years of culture have made us embarrassed to bleed. Have left us feeling dirty and ashamed.

STOP PRETENDING. Stop using silly pet names like Aunt Flo because you’re too afraid to say “I’m bleeding” or “vagina.” Stop wasting so much effort hiding the very thing that gives this species continuity.

START talking about it. Educate your daughters. Make them understand that it can be both an inconvenience and a gift, but NEVER something to be ashamed about. Educate your sons so they don’t recoil from the word tampon. So when a girl bleeds through her khaki shorts in third period (pun intended), they don’t perpetuate the cycle of shame and intolerance.

Posted in:Feminist|SFW