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Archive for the Feminist Category




Feminist Friday of the Day

I call this feminist Friday because of the whole bra burning movement of the 60s that was designed to destroy women and make them think they wanted to be the head of corporations like MEN….

I guess bras represented the constraints or pressures put on them from a patriarchal society….or maybe they just liked the freeing feeling off having their titties free….something I think the patriarchy would be all about…..

I have yet to meet a man who says “Put a bra on bitch, and be the slave you are designed to be”…..but maybe I hang in the wrong circles…

The current feminism, is fake feminism, it’s just an angle that people who have anything they want, where rights are equal, where pay is equal, because it makes for a good excuse for their failings….

BLAME MEN FOR ALL OUR PROBLEMS…..because we’re feminists and it can’t be US….

So now we’ve got a group of women trying to prove themselves, being self involved narcissism, being taken away from their maternal instinct coded into them, and they are reducing themselves to their tits as some kind of empowerment issue, that just lets the men they pretend oppress them the opportunity to see tits.

So kill the family unit, kill women off, but bring us the tits they reduce themselves to, so we get to see tits….in some weird fucking cop out that doesn’t make women happy….but does make women hate men….because blaming the patriarchy is better than taking responsibility for themselves…but hey, at least we get tits!


Posted in:Feminist




Feminist Friday of the Day

By this point in modern feminism, we can probably do a pie chart, or a VENN DIAGRAM, or some other nerdy checklist to determine how feminism has improved the lives of women since the inception of feminism…..

I don’t know enough about feminist theory to really have an opinion, but think that in-theory and in-practice are pretty fucking different things.

I am all for equal rights for women and I am well aware that women can be and do anything they want to do outside of sucking dick and being hot….

I felt like they had equal rights when given the right to vote, you know since women have run businesses, been rich, have been matriarchs since the dawn of time…

All that other bullshit they fought for because they felt like they needed respect, was just an attack on the family, because what more respect could you ask for, if you’re held in high esteem at home, where the dad works to bring in the money, so mom can focus on what is important…RAISING THE DAMN KIDS….

The whole “get out into the work force” is the most empty thing a person can do to fulfill their lives…..making money and being independent when you’re just a fucking slave to a corporation instead of one for your family…seems like a dumb trade off…

Now feminism is even dumber, since they still push the same talking points to confuse women into thinking they are second rate, now they are officially trying to destroy women by throwing men dressed like women on women hormones into their established women leagues…and the whole thing is terrible…

But they did get one thing right…BURNING THEM BRAS!


Posted in:Feminist




Feminist Friday of the Day

This is a series or gallery of braless ladies that I call feminists, because feminists are traditionally the bra burners of the 60s, but that first wave of feminism was a little more welcomed than the current manufactured one that they are pushing on us, despite everything being equal….that first wave was used to justify women with impulse control issues, who wanted to have free sex, not nuclear families, they wanted careers, and status, but still had families…where as this one just wants to use an ideology as an excuse to sit on a couch, medicated on anti-depressants, capable of earning big money selling their assholes..

So even FEMINISM of the past is better than feminism now, but who cares, braless titties being a trend is good, because we like tits.


Posted in:Feminist




Feminist Friday of the Day

Feminism is the biggest lie ever told to women, but they probably haven’t realized that yet….maybe they never will…

Not that this is actual feminism, I just call it that because of the whole “Burning your bra” in the 60s paved the way to selling your asshole pics to strangers on the internet relatively quickly, sure, 60 years sounds like a long time, but it was just about the right amount of time to destroy a fucking civilization…

This is girls without bras on, which isn’t really feminism at all, but you know there’s at least one annoying indoctrinated woke weirdo who think the bra is some demonic patriarchy tool to keep the female species down, while supporting their tits..

I wonder why everyone has to be so fucking annoying about everything, seriously….just look at the braless tits, be braless, and it doesn’t need anything supporting arguments….or intelectualiztion.


Posted in:Feminist




Feminist Friday of the Day

I am sure these bitches aren’t actually feminists, I guess it depends on how you posture producing erotica for the internet to game 10 dollars a month out of losers who think paying for content is awesome PAY WALLS for everyone….forgetting the internet was built off FREE content…and should have stuck with free content because who wants to pay for anything….idiots.

I am sure these bitches identify as feminists, because it’s a way to intellectualize making money off the internet with low key sex work, instead of having a real job…

I guess it’s just a matter of perspective…is the whore a whore, or is the whore a genius for getting paid to fuck dudes instead of working a real job, since fucking is fun.

I don’t have the answers, but I know that these ladies are just braless and never claimed to be feminist bra burners, I put that spin on it because it’s Frida and I like alliterations….FEMINIST FRIDAY….FUCK A BRA FRIDAY could be better….since braless life is the only life these girls partake in these days…it’s a trend, brans are constrictive and uncomfortable apparently, I wouldn’t know even though I need a bra, I just know I’ve been faced with one too many bras in my life that were impossible to take off…some FORT KNOX for the titties…or maybe ALCATRAZ….and a life without bras for a lazy fucking generation is a good thing.

Keep up the good things…THINGS.


Posted in:Feminist




Feminist Friday of the Day

SHIT…I already did my feminist rant today….because I forgot that I replaced FROG BUTTS with FEMINISTS…which isn’t really feminist by actually just braless bitches, something that has nothing to do with feminism, but in the 60s, when the communists disguised as hippies, listening to the music created by the children of Military people, look up Jim Morrison’s dad….deciding to destroy the nuclear families they grew up in, creating communes, sex cults, FREE LOVE…recruiting the normies who were intrigued by the movement to BURN THEIR BRAS in revolt to the MAN….a huge fucking lie that has destroyed society….but you already know this….I am just saying you don’t need a cause, or feminism to take off your bra, most girls are doing it because they are lazy slobs who choose comfort, or whores who want to show off their tits, or BOTH….and there’s nothing wrong with any of that, so long as we get to see TITTY through a shirt the way NATURE intended….you know without all the politics…the woman form is sent from GOD for you to get excited, seduced and manipulated by….it’s in the bible bro….GENESIS…and I don’t mean PHIL COLLINS…


Posted in:Feminist




Feminist Friday of the Day

I wonder if many girls out there identify as not being feminists, because if I was a girl, and I may be, I would never fall into that bullshit trap….I don’t need to feel empowered for fighting for equal rights, I’d be too busy fighting to find the richest dude I could to get knocked up by….you know you’re born with a pussy for a reason…LET dudes worship it…it’s our NUMBER one motivator..

So as these idiots decided to remove themselves from being the QUEENS of our existence, to become our equals, our bosses, or fellow voters…you know for INDEPENDENCE…

Since being a slave to a corporation for shitty pay is way better than being the head of your household, the center of the universe for your husband and kids..

You suckers got it all wrong, I mean women are easy to manipulate, trick and convince of insanity…but that shit is INSANITY…

To make it even better, they think being braless is a campaign that helps their cause…because MEN are obviously the ones who created bras to make ladies uncomfortable all dday…because MEN aren’t the ones trying to get girls out of their bras every hour of the day…

Oh wait, maybe they should grow out their body hair…THAT will show men who will jerk off to you anyway…DESEXUALIZE yourself, so you can WORK your day job, before eventually selling your nudes for easy money…because you’ve been scammed!

It’s all so dumb….how can you not laugh.


Posted in:Feminist




Feminist Friday of the Day

Feminists once burned their bras for some bullshit reason, that I guess involved being taken seriously by men, so that that they could climb the exciting corporate ladder and live a meaningless life of corporate achievements so that they can retire after years of stress on a pile of fucking money……

In recent times, girls decided to take the bras off, because bras are for old ladies, and they may pretend it’s for feminism, like not shaving their armpits, in a don’t sexualize me logic….

Only to basically use that to show their full fucking tit, without a bra getting in the fucking way, so it works for me…

If this is how feminism works, I figure it’s worth jerking off to or at least staring at.

I don’t see how this de-sexualizes, or I guess allows them to control their sexualization, because I get to see hard nips…but I don’t fucking argue the removal of a restrictive barrier between TIT and T-Shirt…

I don’t think this is activism, it’s more a trend, because girls like you looking at their tits, or at least making money off their tits…and that’s a worthy fucking cause.

Call me a Philathropist as I stare at this shit.


Posted in:Feminist




Feminist Friday of the Day

We call this feminist Friday and by WE I mean ME….it’s the replacement for the FROG BUTTS no one cared about…with some NO BRA…because no one wears bras anymore…whether they are feminist or not…they are constricting…and bitches choose comfort…even when some of them should wear bras…beause their tits sag to their fucking pussy holes…but it’s their RIGHT TO CHOOSE…stop BODY SHAMING them….let them be empowered for dumb shit like the right to NOT wear a bra…which is a right they always had and if they felt they didn’t it…it’s their own doing because us patriarchal misogynisitc assholes fucking LOVE to see a titty hang behind a shirt…it’s actually one of my only life interests really…some people make money, some people make art, some people are into real estate and running AirBnb businesses…others are into selling shit online….I am into tits…and pussy and really anything to do with sex….because I am a pervert…

I do a rant on the regular about how dumb feminism is….destroy the family, get DRAFTED to fight in WARS for equality, become a LESBIAN…grow your clit out into a DICK….as you cry for EQUAL pay that you probably already get but you saw a CLICKBAIT ARTICLE on some flimsy fucking website disguised as a MEDIA source…get to the office because being a homemaker who got all the time in the world to fuck the mail man or the tennis coach when husband was slaving….wasn’t good enough for you…even though so many girls seek rich dudes to pay their way so they don’t have to work anymore….because FEMINSISM….sex work to them is real work…without even knowing that NONE of them worked, all had a free ride, their kids raised by them not the state…a better EXISTENCE back in the 1950s before all this bullshit surfaced…

Indoctrination works in mysterious ways…doesn’t it.


Posted in:Feminist




Feminist Friday of the Day

I named this Feminist Friday because I like alliterations, I am old like that…the fact that my dumb ass, uneducated ass, unable to read, write or recall memories ass even knows what an alliteration is, is more reason for me to name BRALESS chicks something that starts with “F”…and historically, the bra burners were the feminists in the 60s…so it’s a tribute to the leaders that started the snowball that has turned into a fucking nightmare, horror movie level snowball, that will SUFFOCATE us all when it rolls through our town, usually at the college level…

I like braless bitches, which is a trend, a style choice, what the girls do now, even when they aren’t feminists because bras suck…I saw yesterday that a bra almost killed dopey faced, Kate Upton before Kate Upton, Brooklyn Decker…because BRAS are the enemy…

So this is for old school feminists, not the news school genderless feminists who have taken gender out of everything, who write history as HERSToRY, who do other dumb shit like call mandates, THEYDATES, you know the type of angry if you ask them if they are having a nice day, or if you suggest they smile…MANSPLAINER…as they smear their periods on either their faces, or canvas that they sell as ART to other idiots who pander to their fucking disgusting feminist pride, despite not believing in traditional gender roles, thinking being a WOMAN is the worst…they are just there to hate on men…

This is not named for them….


Posted in:Feminist