I have to disclaimer this post by saying that these girls aren’t necessarily feminists, I’m not here to mis-politicize them, since it’s a braless post on a friday, I tool the burn the bra take on bralessness, instead of the “it’s a trend”….or “It’s comfy”…or “It shows off my tits” or “look at my tits through a shirt….since there are levels to bralessness.
I would assume that most of these people would probably say they were feminists if they were asked, since that word’s been shoved down everyone’s throat so hard, being a woman or a proud woman, ideally with a uterus, means you believe women can do anything men can do and deserve the right to vote…or whatever the anti-men feminist argument is….
It’s one of those “black lives matter” words or marketing initiatives where you can’t be against a cause because it makes you a piece of shit, so you may not know anything about the cause, but you know THE right side you need to be on to be left the fuck alone, uncancelled, or if you’re annoying, to become a fucking advocate or bullhorn amplifying it…you know the type.
So the reality the feminism kills the family structure society is built on, you know to keep our species alive, happy and supported and because of that feminism promotes working women, career over family, cats over child, pay taxes, instead of running the house, or raising the kids, a far more important job but don’t worry….the state, strangers, the machine will raise the kids for you, assuming you don’t just abort them….it’s satanic, but isn’t everything…
So bralessness doesn’t need to be THIS heavy, people are half retards across the board, so why am I hear ranting and raving, when I should just be staring at the braless tit being like “i like tit”…..as I drool on myself…which is PRECISELY what I am going to do.
Anyway, this dudes got a point:
Here are those braless chicks….
Posted in:Feminist