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Feminist Friday of the Day

I am not saying that braless girls are all feminists…but I think that most people, besides a psy-op designed to destroy masculinity or make men scared of being men like weak chinned Andrew Tate are the definition of Feminist…I may be called a misogynist or have been in the past for celebrating hot chicks cuz I’m a dude who like shot chicks being hot…which to me is the opposite of misogynist but more creepy woman worship like a native tribe would do to a crashed plane….

But yeah, the idea of feminism, which I guess is more about tricking girls into thinking the patriarchy exists and doesn’t want to give them the same opportunities, but instead want to lock them up and home raising their families with all expenses paid….a horrible thought…unless you bring it to any girl out there looking for a rich guy so that she can do the same.

So become a taxable person, a worker, a slave to the wage and the machine while neglected the family in the name of progress for a gender, that everyone already knows can do basically everything a man can do, especially at the mid-management level…

Feminism was a scam…and people fell for it…

Bralessness is not a scam….it’s how I want to see tits through shirts….and if some of these are patriarchy fighting the binds of men….to get money out of other men…so be it.

Posted in:Feminist