I'll Make You Famous…




Feminist Friday of the Day

I think all girls of the internet consider themselves feminists, because they like the marketing hook that comes with feminism….girl power.

Maybe they like that it makes a great excuse to get naked on the internet, you know blame misogyny for objectifying you, thank feminism for you exploiting said misogyny, by giving the paying perverts what they want….GIRL POWER.

They probably don’t think that it’s all part of an agenda to take them as far from their natural purpose of breeding and raising their kids, because they are too busy wanting to buy purses….GIRL POWER.

I don’t care about any of that, because these girls aren’t pushing their bullshit feminism on me, I just assume they’re feminists, instead they are braless, which is more of a fashion thing, a showing off tit thing, a comfort thing…and I doubt they are all annoying about it….but instead are just like mindless and excited to put their tits out there through a shit for all to appreciate and APPRECIATE I DO…..

Fuck bras, if I have to pretend they are bondage from the patriarchy to get them off, I’ll do it…I’m a hero like that….a TITTY LOVING HERO….

Posted in:Feminist