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Weed Wednesday of the Day

I don’t know why, but for awhile I was into weed, I thought, anything natural to chill a bitch out at 3 am and potentially make her eager to fuck, rather than more booze that will just make her black out and call you a rapist for fucking her when drunk, where as weed allows for clear mind and laziness to just go with it and remember it the next day as a non-rape….

But yeah, weed is seemingly harmless and healthy with health benefits but being skeptical about the government while living in the land of legal weed, where walking down the street makes the zombies seem more zombie-like while they are all huffing on their weed, not being as crazy as a daytime drunk, but rather just being robotic or some shit….it makes me think that they legalized weed for a BAD reason, because they know something I don’t know and that they didn’t do it for the money, they can just print more of that, but if daddy government wants you high, you know it’s not for your health and that’s why I suggest you avoid it…..stick to drinking, at least it’s fun even with the rapes.

Posted in:Weed