I'll Make You Famous…




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

I know what you’re thinking, what a bastardization of the whole breeding process. The whole birthing process. The whole procreation proclamation….because these women who have clearly been bred, which is apparently now seen as a sexist thing to say because they don’t like to think of themselves as cattle, or as the bitch in the backyard puppy mill, even though breeding women isn’t a sexist thing, it is kinda what you do when you knock them up and they give you a child to be the heir to your pathetic throne…

Or maybe, you’re lonely, have never sucked on breast milk, where even the chicks selling their breast milk online aren’t willing to send it to you because they aren’t convinced your a bodybuilder after visiting your profile only to see that you seem more like someone who wants to dismantle their body for sexual purposes…

Either way, tits full of milk is hot, sexy and delicious…especially when it’s been modified to be jerked off to, rather than to feed the actual baby which throws off the whole dynamic.

Posted in:Lactating