I'll Make You Famous…




Em Rata is On Vacation of the Day

Em Rata is the best selling author of some shit called “My Body”….and she was recently on the cover of some magazine with the quote “Em Rat Cow Doesn’t Give a Fuck About What You Think of Her”….meanwhile everything about her seems like she really fucking cares about what people think about her….each content piece is designed to get as many views as possible in the most shameless way…such a shameless way that she even wrote a best selling book trying to intellectualize her shamelessness by positioning it as empowering…

She’s also pushing product on her online store, which means that she wants people to buy the products from her online store, which is the opposite of not giving a fuck about what people think, she really gives a fuck about what they think and she is trying to game them into thinking they want to buy her bullshit…

So shockingly, a set of big influencer tits who got famous for the ways she used her influencer tits, is a fucking lie, a fraud, a pile of bullshit to re-write her narrative because she’s won at life and no one really cares enough to actually bother thinking of her as a shameless whore, but rather as some cultural empowering icon who is paving the way for shameless whores to not give a fuck, while giving a fuck, making money off idiots they don’t give a fuck, but give a fuck about…it’s all so confusing…

In this series from her vacation, you’ll see Em Rata’s artistry use a flower as a representation of her ANUS….deep.

I don’t know if these are Em Rata staff or Em Rata friends, but I’m going with Staff who pretend to be her friends cuz she pays them….I don’t believe Em Rata has any friends!

Posted in:Em Rata