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Archive for the Abby Elliott Category




Weird Nude Pics of Abby Elliott of the Day


I’ve never heard of Abby Elliott, she’s apparently an SNL cast member, and I stopped watching SNL back in 1987 when I was able to get drunk in bars on saturday night, because satire for old people sitting at home, in front of a TV was less exciting than getting drunk, offending people, sometimes fucking….something I’ve been passionate about ever since…

Her dad, more interestingly, is Chris Elliot…the dude from There’s Something About Mary, or the dude with the weird Hand in Scary Movie, you know who he is, he’s been in a lot of shit…and his dad was Bob Elliott..who was some famous comedian in the 1950s…and now their legacy…what their sperm created – Abby Elliott….is showing her tits on the internet…

Sure, they are just tits, but I’d rather see her tits – than not see her tits – even if her naked is probably one of her better jokes…because her tits are a bit too real looking…if you know what I mean….

She’s an Amy Schumer friend, so the nudes are part of her being silly on the internet…rich kids who think they are funny…so annoying…especially when they look like this naked…


Posted in:Abby Elliott