I realize the majority of dudes coming to sites like this aren’t dudes who get laid…cuz dudes who get laid are too busy on facebook and other sites recruiting pussy to fuck…instead of looking at pictures of useless bitches who they don’t have access to fuck…
You see, I’m not a fanboy. I don’t like comic books. I don’t like action movies. I don’t even like celebrity pussy. I just like pussy…and some weird choices in my internet life let me to having an anti celebrity hate filled celebrity site…but I just can’t keep up with this shit…cuz I am far more interested in spending my days trying to convince homeless people to fuck on camera for a case of beer, or more importantly convincing 18 year old girls to pose nude for me in hopes of getting famous after putting up ads in every college offering my services as a Math tutor during exam time, even though I don’t know shit about math…
What I’m getting at is that I can’t imagine or understand why people care about this massive chick with a massive head dressed like the new Wonder Woman, but I can’t understand a lot of things when it comes to pop culture…I’m not saying I’m all fringe and shit, I’m just saying, Wonder Woman was done in the 70s, let’s leave it there and move onto better things, with better looking girls…cuz this Xena Warrior Princess meets Chyna from the WWF hybrid in a Wonder Woman costume sucks and the fact that you care about it, or are jerking off to it sucks harder. People like you shouldn’t exist.
Seriously, she got the face of a pile of shit, a body like Khloe Kardashian, a PVC costume that looks better on a stripper who lets you fuck her for an extra 100 bucks, this is all so fucking lame and I’m mad I took part in it….. FOLLOW ME

Posted in:Adrianne Palicki|Wonder Woman