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Archive for the Alana Zimmer Category




Alana Zimmer for some Fashion Bullshit of the Day

Alana Zimmer for some Fashion Bullshit

Her name is Alana Zimmer, she’s a 30 year old tall model from Kitchener Canada who apparently moved to New York to be a model after being discovered working at a shitty chain restaurant..I mean I guess those stories happen…I’ve seen models working places but never bothered trying to lock them into contracts…but it happens.

She goes to NYU in Psychology, because it’s a good tactic to get a work visa, it’s a good tactic to get out of Canada, it’s a good place for rich kids to spend their time, because the American Dream applies to everyone…and there’s just so much she can do with her Pyschology degree, like continue to work as a model because she’s tall, cash the fuck in, or work at Ben and Jerrys…or as a waitress where she started…

Here she is in a photoshoot for some magazine you’ve never heard of, pretty naked, but never naked enough, shot by hipster phony photographer Zoey Grossman…and her piss straight gross man pics…that I think she’s leveraged to shoot for Victoria’s Secret or Sports Illustrated now…because scammers scam…and troll the fuck out of things..

I guess this doesn’t matter…she’s got an interesting look and she’s naked.

Posted in:Alana Zimmer