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Archive for the Alexander Meier Category




Alexander Meier’s Wife in a Bikini of the Day

I don’t know shit about Soccer, but I know a bit about Soccer wives, and that is that they are usually the groupie slut who powered through, cuz these guys are considered gods in their home countries, and in being a god, they get the pick of the litter and being the pick of the litter makes bitches real eager to turn condoms inside out, miss a couple birth control pills, and do anything else in their power to get pregnant, cuz it’s in exchange for the good life….You get what I’m saying….and that is that I’m sure dude coulda done better….but this is what he’s stuck with and probably what he cheats on and probably what doesn’t care that he cheats on her so long as she’s got the ring, she’s groupie pussy number 1.

If you know what I mean…

Posted in:Alexander Meier