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Archive for the Allie Crandell Category




Allie Crandell Naked in the Desert of the Day

Allie Crandell naked covered in sand showing nipples

Allie Crandell is from MTV…..or was from MTV is 2008, which was 10 years ago, and makes this bitch OLD as fuck…in her early 30s which for a woman means that she might as well is dead…

BUT NOT this Allie Crandell, she’s ACTIVE ON INSTAGRAM with not really that many followers….and getting naked in the sand…because how else do you get followers…

It must suck being her, I mean back when she was 21, getting cast on MTV when MTV still mattered, only to end up 10 years older, 10 years later, not quite as relevant as all these other girls that came up after her and didn’t have an MTV show to bring them to the top…

But at least she’s getting naked about it, because she’s hot, and I like her tits, even if they are old lady tits.

Posted in:Allie Crandell