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Anaelle Duguet in Lingerie of the Day

Anaelle Duguet seems to be a French actress who has what I would assume is an unfortunate name if she lived in America. The French seem to like to name their women after buttholes because between all the hot models named ANAIS, which I know is more “Fennel(anise)” than it is “anus” but it’s pretty damn close. I had no idea that there was a name “Anaelle” so close to ANAL, but you learn something new everyday don’t you.

I chcked out her INSTAGRAM where I discovered what I already knew, and that is htat her life is substantially better than mine. She does far more interesting things and looks far better than most, so I guess that’s a win for her in this competition that is life, but a win for us, because she does lingerie shoots and you can see her nipples, which in France is just a “bikini top”.

Posted in:Anaelle Duguet