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Anja Rubik’s Tits for I-D Magazine of the Day

i-D Cover Anja Rubik from Kloss London on Vimeo.

Here is a video of model Anja Rubik topless , showing off her model tits, for I-D magazine, because fashion has this nudity thing down proper.

They manage to get bitches topless who wouldn’t be willing to get topless if I asked them to do it for the internet prior to their model career, but who do it now cuz it’s part of the job that allows their otherwise talentless asses to make tons of money and get tons of perks like the good life they’d never have if they didn’ go topless, it’s like they’ll let people take pics of them doing anything, as long as it is masked as fashion or art, hilarious….

More importantly the fashion industry make billions of dollars with nudity and they don’t get flagged as porn, they get flagged as fashion, while I get flagged as porn just for linking their shit…making totally no fucking sense…

It is so confusing, yet amazing… FOLLOW ME

Posted in:Anja Rubic