I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Annalisa Blaha Category




Annalisa Blaha Topless Shoot of the Day

Annalisa Blaha is exciting….

She’s an Austrian living in Milan doing the whole model thing…you know because girls everywhere can act like 5 year olds and pretend they are like the famous people they see on TV……only they have the ability to go viral if they work with the right people, and I guess if they bang the wrong people, that will actually help them live their dreams…that are otherwise pretty silly…like posing in front of a camera, all serious, doing her model faces, while smoking a disgusting cancer causing cigarette like some white trash garbage…because smoking makes me fucking sick…

It’s pretty embarrassing to see people act like this when there is no money being exchanged to act like this but she’s topless, so it’s ok…

She’s the topless no name of the day…

Posted in:Annalisa Blaha