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Archive for the Anthony Weiner Category




Anthony Weiner Wiener Pics and the Ass Who Exposed Them of the Day

I don’t care about dick pics, whether they are my own, a celebrities, a politicians, or just filling up the phones of girls I meet in bars and make show me the dick pics in their phone to see how slutty they are, cuz every girl has at least one dick in her phone.

But I do care about sexting, whether it is a silly scandal involving people of interest, or whether it is just some slutty college girl, cuz everyone is doing it, it’s the whole basis of the internet and smart phones. It is why social media works, we are all self taught pornographers, we have all done this, and it is the only hope I have for society…

If dick pics aren’t your thing, here’s the ass of the girl he was sexting, if I was a politician, I’d do better, hell I’m not a politician and I do better.

Her name is Sydney Elaine Leathers, and she takes shitty selfies. Her pose is all wrong, and those high waisted panties, seriously? are you in your 40s bitch?

I guess on the internet things live forever.

Posted in:Anthony Weiner|NSFW