I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Arabella Drummond Category




Arabella Drummond is Not Like Other Glamour Models of the Day

I’d like you to look closely at this Arabella Drummond Glamour Model…and tell me…..what she’s missing….at least to be considered an actual Glamour Model…I’ll give you a hint….it’s her tits…she’s got no fucking tits…and she’s chubby….and possibly a dude….but willing to get naked cuz she’s so proud of her semi-feminine body…..she’s like Chaz Bono at the YMCA bathroom now that she can change with dudes….all dick clit in hand…proud of what she’s got….cuz she’s not a broken lesbian anymore…she’s a dude….only the other way around….and you probably like this Arabella girl’s size…don’t worry – it’s not gay if she’s got long hair and make-up on…or as long as her panties stay on…..

Here are the interesting pics…

Posted in:Arabella Drummond|NSFW