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Archive for the Ariana Grande Category




Ariana Grande New Album Cover of the Day


Ariana Grande may be a bit of a brown Christina Aguilera cunt, trained by Disney pretty fucking hard and capable of really navigating this entertainment industry….

The fascinating thing about her is that a pornstar told me she was a fucking whore, like a really full fledged dirty sex fuck everyone whore,…because the pornstar shared a dude with her…and had scoop…and when a pornstar calls you a dirtbag…you know you’re dirty….and I guess you’d also have answers to why she exists, whether she can sing or not, a lot of people can sing and don’t end up where she is…and that’s annoying us in all she does, especially her song..

The other fascinating thing about her is that she called America as whole fat pigs as she raped a donut like it was her and she was a Disney Exec..

She shat on an entire fucking nation of patriotic people…and all she had to do was apologize and everyone – forgave her…

They didn’t slaughter her, destroy her career, probably because they also think America as a whore are a bunch of fat fucking pigs…

These are apparently promo pics for some bullshit new album…


Posted in:Ariana Grande|SFW




Arianna Grande On Sexism and Snapchat Sluttin’ of the Day

This was going around yesterday on social media, I didn’t bother paying attention to her shit…because she’s irritating, when I should be more supportive of her, because she’s so tiny but her pussy can handle huge black cock, and I love insertion videos, it’s a fetish…..

I’ve also heard stories about Ariana Grande from porn chicks who aren’t fans of her, because apparently they share some dicks in their circle…because girls like to fuck…

I don’t know what the Disney / Product of stage mom girl is up to or onto, I was more into her licking donuts and hating on the USA…but she is American and not the Mexican you’d think she is…and instead of the patriots turning on her as a American hating people…she still exists…because she’s so open…and honest with her fans people.

Either way, she apparently told

Here’s the sexist shut down, because she’s a social justice warrior….fem nazi…and makes it about gender issues, as that’s what this is about….in the world…gender issues….

Here’s the whole interview:

Here’s her sexiest moments according to the internet…

Here’s some pics from her snapchat…fighting for equality…

Posted in:Ariana Grande|SFW




Ariana Grande Doesn’t Hate America When Selling Perfume of the Day


Ariana Grande hates America when it comes to licking donuts, something that would get a homeless person arrested for doing, something that would get a black person killed for doing, something that a Donut shop owner just put out there to get some press to his Donut shop, without remember that no one likes a snitch, and this bitch makes too much money for people, they’ll cleanse her image in two seconds, you can’t ruin her…even when she says she hates America…

People still support her..

If you said you hated America…on your phone the NSA is tracking…the FBI would raid you…especially if you had an Arab name…

But this Grande hooker, who has had a lot of very large penis in her, gets a perfume line…because she doesn’t hate AMerica when it makes her money…which I guess is pretty American of her..

Posted in:Ariana Grande|SFW




Ariana Grande’s Booty Shake of the Day

Here is unappreciative, back pedaling, American Hating, but not American hating when America turned on her and she had to explain that she’s young, and has some learning to do, please don’t cancel her tour, she’s a cunt, she didn’t mean what she said, she just said it, because she didn’t know she was on camera, and after knowing she was on camera, had to spin it…

So based on who she is as a person, she probably wants to be wiping her ass with the flag…but instead she’ll just be cute about it…and I’ll support any booty shaking…


Posted in:Ariana Grande|SFW




Trashy Ariana Grande’s Apology of the DAy

Here’s Ariana Grande’s apology…”taking responsibility for her actions that she’s so disappointed in herself about because she was filmed without her knowledge and she’s young as still has a lot to learn…by her mistakes…this is going to make her a better person…we all make mistakes….I’m so embarrassed but instead of crawling under a rock I am going to use my voice…to make me more fucking money….”…

I didn’t listen to it, but I can assume it is a media trained approach written by a PR team to “right this wrong”…typical nonsense in popculture…instead of letting these people burn, we let them apologize and eveyrthing goes back to normal because no one actually cares about what she said, we’re too busy taking selfies…and she makes people too much money…so she’ll be fine, this is just “PR SPIN”…to really say it’s ok..

I am not American, but I think an American is allowed to say she hates Americans…even when selling them products…because why the fuck not, it’s the land of the free, let this brat hate on the land of the free because she is free to do so..she’s a citizen, whatever…

Just don’t make her retract her statement…because of Album sales and promoters pulling out on her…unlike all the black dudes she fucks…it’s embarrassing and annoying…they do this all the time…

Let her be herself and have an actual shitty opinion, rather than a collective un-offensive public opinion, it is refreshing that she’s a human…but her uneducated spoiled brat living the American dream as a pop star, because fame is all that really matters in America…is playing a bigger part of American culture than the average person…she’s part of their distraction tools to make you fatter and dumber…NOISE..DISTRACT…DIVIDE…CONQUER…which makes her hating America werid…

I would prefer her to stand by her statements…and let the fans boycott her instead…this attempt to rebuild, fix what she did, when it’s not what she actually thinks…is just more lies…when we want the truth…she still has a problem with the America she hates…no matter how fast she tries to back pedal cuz she sees dollars disappearing.. I hate it…if you offend people stand fucking by it…

What can’t be forgiven is that she licked that donut, making me doubt the cleanliness of donut shops and buffets everywhere…GERMS!! Disgusting…pig of a girl…

No more apologies…

Posted in:Ariana Grande|SFW




Ariana Grande Hates America and Licks Donuts of the Day

Ariana Grande apparently licked a donut…the made her K-Fed lick a donut…then they made out with each other…because licking innocent donuts while on security cameras…possibly knowingly, or possibly not caring, because these rich and famous cunts think they are invincible…

Apparently, she says anti-American things in this video, I didn’t really watch it…

The best Ariana Grande story I have was from a porn star on a porn set where she told me that Ariana Grande was a whore, who fucks everyone, which is saying a lot from a porn chick….because porn chicks are actual whores…who fucks everyone….which makes sense, because why else would she have a career as a Mexican American, I mean unless her mom is a whore…which I assume she is…since anyone in this industry is…




Posted in:Ariana Grande|SFW




Ariana Grande Panty FLash of the Day


A pornstar once told me that Ariana Grande is a whore…

I have told this story before…

Let me repeat one more time….

A pornstar once told me that Ariana Grande is a whore…

She knew her on a personal level, they shared a few penis’s…she had the inside scoop….

So this see through to panties pic circulating tumblr should be spread vagina and throat fucking like the porn star…only Ariana Grande is a better marketer…apparently….making her a smart whore..something…I can fuck with…because if you’re gonna fuck everyone…make it count so that you don’t always have to fuck everyone…unless you want to fuck everyone…be strategic…which I guess is what Ariana Grande….

That said, she probably doesn’t have a very tight vagina, maybe the panties are a key element needed in this pic…to not scare us all off…

Posted in:Ariana Grande|SFW




Ariana Grande Weird Vagina of the Day


This looks like some Bruce Jenner caliber scars, if Bruce Jenner actually committed to being Caitlyn Jenner, and not in a half assed way that I like to think could just as likely be a 100 million dollar revenue earning strategy to keep the family in the media…

They are that horrible…don’t pretend they aren’t just cuz motherfucker got some tits…to go with the fact that he was married to an alpha male first…

Sex Change scars, or bitch hooked herself up to a vacuum cleaner before going on stage…but I guess when you get banged out by black dudes named “Big Sean”…it’s safe to say that eventually your vagina has so much scar tissue, essentially so beat the fuck up that it has a mind of its own…and tries to escape the host body for refuge…

I mean I don’t even know what the fuck I’m looking at here…is that even a vagina? Or a rash? Or product of the Chastity Belt she clearly ripped off with every dude she fucks to fill the void…

I don’t think that’s labia…and I’ve seen some vagina…but it could be the seam from where the scientists who made her made the her battery port…

Who knows…I’ll just assume it’s alien…Grande….


Posted in:Ariana Grande|NSFW




Ariana Grande Neck Kiss For Instagram of the DAy

Screen Shot 2015-06-05 at 1.34.10 PM

A pornstar once told me that Ariana Grande was a whore…

When a pornstar calls you are whore…that means you are really a fucking whore…because by definition…pornstars are whores…and don’t think they are whores…and for them to think someone is an actual whore…means she must be an actual whore…

I would assume that it would be directly related to her rise to the fame she now has, from fucking white rappers to black rappers to everyone in between…and I mean if a girl is chasing a dream and willing to do what it takes we shouldn’t hate..but we should watch her kiss necks on social media…..and/or wear leotards in shitty concert…because like all of these twats..stage parent puppet can sing…

A video posted by Ariana Grande (@arianagrande) on

A video posted by Ariana Grande (@arianagrande) on

Posted in:Ariana Grande




Ariana Grande Tongue of the Day


I don’t know why, but every time I see anything Ariana Grande, all I see is some brat who had serious fucking stage parents, that conditioned her into this money making performer, and I guess it worked for the family, because she’s making bank….like she was Selena…a border jumper with a dancing monkey of a baby to bring in the sympathizers as to not get the whole family deported….

Here she is singing Whitney Houston with David Foster….and all I nsee is some brad who has been trained so aggressively by “her people”…because her parents had a fucking dream…

She creeps me the fuck out, but at least she doesn’t wear pants….because when you’ve got a body and don’t wear pants…whether you’re a creepy robot muppet with a bad attitude or not….you’re ok by me…and I am not just saying that because she lets big black cock destroy her vagina…

Posted in:Ariana Grande