I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Arlenis Sosa Pena Category




Arlenis Sosa Pena for H&M Lingerie of the Day

Weird Ethnic and Photoshopped…is what I like to call Arlenis Sosa Pena…that’s my nickname for her…even though I’ve never heard of her or met her…I figure giving randoms pet names…is just the level of creep I want to be…and that’s why I am going to start busting it at starbucks or with my wait staff who can’t escape me…because it is their job to humor me….just to see how they react to my love…

Either way Arlenis Sosa Pena is in some boring catalog shots…and they bore the fuck out of me….but they are half naked enough to pretend they matter.

Posted in:Arlenis Sosa Pena