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Archive for the Aude-Jane Deville Category




Aude-Jane Deville Sea Shell Bikini Top of the Day

Aude-Jane is some french model who is amazing…I can’t find her on instagram, but I don’t really fuck with instagram, it’s for the mainstream plebs I want nothing to do with, as they selfie and post their most provocative and oftentimes boring content…even when they’re half naked…they are all half naked…it’s just a Zuckerberg scam and I saw that Zuck’s been unloading 50 million dollars a week of FB stock over the last 5 months, meaning even he knows it sucks…and sure you can argue 50 million a week, 200 million dollars a month is dog shit money to someone worth 40 bullion dollars, but motherfuckers, he knows shit’s about to crash and so should you…

Not that that has anything to do with AUDE JANE the french model who I can’t find on instagram even though instagram is life…so much so that I’m surprised anyone even comes to this site, and they don’t, thanks to me not using social media to try to lure their lazy fucking minds my way….but this isn’t about me, I am not an instagram narcissist, or any narcissists, I’m just an observer of all the garbage out there, but this here, Aude-Jane, is not garbage…she’s amazing with her sea shell bikini top….if anything not being able to find her on instagram made her all the fucking hotter.

Point of the story, no bikini top, is the best bikini top…

Posted in:Aude-Jane Deville