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Archive for the Ava Louise Category




Ava Louise Simulates a Dick Suck in a MAGA Hat of the Day

Ava Louise is an instagram whore who flashed the Trump Rally…You can see that ON ALLSTARS

Ava Louise is an instagram whore who has licked toilet seats on airplanes during COVID to launch a career of bottom feeding shamelessness to go viral and make money….because that’s the kind of people we are dealing with in this trying to go viral and get internet famous society….they’ll do anything…and the best thing about it is that it doesn’t even require skill, effort, energy, talent, brains….it’s just a matter of low hanging fruit strategy…

“People like MAGA or HATE MAGA therefore FLASHING Maga will go viral”…..as a follow-up to flashing her tits on that weird PORTAL thing they did, or sucking off toilet seats to promote her whoring…I respect her hustle in keeping the going viral alive.

Here she is simulating a dick suck in a MAGA hat…because she recently went viral for flashing the TRUMP rally in New York…and is riding this angle to be as controversial as possible, which if funny to think that being controversial is supporting one of the two options of president when the other option is terrifying to look at and more importantly, try to listen to….while Donald Trump remains pretty cool as fuck and entertaining as fuck….freestyling his old man cool guy way back into the White House…

I’m Canadian and objective about these things, but more importantly don’t care about these things, but I have been a Trump fan since the 80s and from what I see of Trump now is someone who is cool as shit..even about being shot at….and being cool as shit is what matters….

Posted in:Ava Louise