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Archive for the Bad Bunnie Category




Bad Bunnie Does Instagram Booty Shaking ARt like the Artist she Is of the Day

Her name is Bad Bunnie …she’s from instagram, where she posts her ass shaking in various states of undress, and as much as I love whores and their ability to create their personal brand on social media by being a whore, because I like to see the content, the more vulgar the better…as a whole generation fall into some weird category of being a fetish model that people jerk off to, and an exhibitionist…

I just hate that Facebook / Instagram / who sell everyone’s data and are a publicly traded, multi billion dollar company, that everyone uses….try to censor and control some of us, while letting others basically post their asshole.

It’s like be consistent, and be the porn site you actually are, to the people looking for this shit…and be the animal site for people looking for animals, and be the fashion site for those into fashion…

There’s no need to POLICE anything, I mean the most accurate microcosm of society online is these platfomrs, let them evolve into the dark and dirty place the human condition likes to go…cuz it’s human.

This pretending you’re something you’re not is pretty irritating across the board….I need consistency in the evil corporation I give all my data to…

Posted in:Bad Bunnie