As it turns out, Miley has a half sister that I guess she pretends is a real sister, or at least this one pretends is a real sister, because her slutty cocktail waitress mom had two kids before seducing Billy Ray Cyrus, and after he got rich as shit, he figured take them all to California…load the BUS, we’re going to Hollywood…
She has a bit of a Miley Face, which is funny, because she also has a bit of a retard face, she’s Miley if she want to Space and got into some NUCLEAR attack only to come back to earth and shape shift….
But clearly, Billy Ray’s DNA improves things, because Miley’s that much better looking…
So I guess this is a post about how valuable Billy Ray’s sperm is to making stars….even if Brandi Cyrus (because he adopted her) has more tit.
I guess while Miley hides her pregnancy, this is the Cyrus her fans are stuck with because NOAH, who is apparently her true sister, is even more monstrous than this one, but I can’t say that in this post because it will throw off my whole “Billy Ray Cyrus Sperm is Valuable” argument.

Posted in:Brandi Cyrus