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Archive for the Breasts Category




I am – Christina Aguilera’s See Through Pregnancy Nipples Dress of the Day

Image Removed due to Papparazzi

So we all know that Christina Aguilera is pregnant and we all know that her husband isn’t the best looking dude in the world, because he kinda reminds us of the kid who had no friends growing up. The funny thing about the kid with no friends growing up was just a little socially awkward and funny looking, but all that alone time and rejection lead him to learn some kind of skill, That skill was making enough money doing whatever the fuck he does to get in circles where girls like Christina Aguilera hangs out for long enough to pull his dick out and blow her away with what’s gotta be some kind of heavy machinery, because this slut looks like a size queen….so here he is knocking some popstar up when every girl who ever turned him down or laughed at him is sitting in her shitty home in the shitty town they are from looking at her shitty husband who was the highschool hero but now can barely make enough money to pay for their shitty car, listening to Augilera songs while cooking their shitty dinner with food they bought with coupons, knowing the whole time that life coulda been a lot better for her, had she not been such a superficial fucking cunt. I guess karma is a bitch.

Unfortunately, you’re the socially awkward kid everyone avoided because you smell and you have no skills that will ever take you to places popstars hang out and if you were there you wouldn’t be able to impress her with your huge penis you’d just probably make her laugh or run away, something you’re used to by now…but thanks to these pictures you don’t need to get into any celebrity high profile circle to make out this bitches tits she’s doing all the work for us….in a few months these fuckers are going to have a baby dominating them, so enjoy it while they last….

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Christina Aguilera’s Pregnancy Tits Pictures
Christina Aguilera’s Crazy Pregnancy Cleavage Pictures
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Christina Aguilera’s Tour Bus Video

Posted in:Breasts|Christina Aguilera|cleavage|Nipple|Pregnant|See Through|Tits|Unsorted




I am – Christina Aguilera's See Through Pregnancy Nipples Dress of the Day

Image Removed due to Papparazzi

So we all know that Christina Aguilera is pregnant and we all know that her husband isn’t the best looking dude in the world, because he kinda reminds us of the kid who had no friends growing up. The funny thing about the kid with no friends growing up was just a little socially awkward and funny looking, but all that alone time and rejection lead him to learn some kind of skill, That skill was making enough money doing whatever the fuck he does to get in circles where girls like Christina Aguilera hangs out for long enough to pull his dick out and blow her away with what’s gotta be some kind of heavy machinery, because this slut looks like a size queen….so here he is knocking some popstar up when every girl who ever turned him down or laughed at him is sitting in her shitty home in the shitty town they are from looking at her shitty husband who was the highschool hero but now can barely make enough money to pay for their shitty car, listening to Augilera songs while cooking their shitty dinner with food they bought with coupons, knowing the whole time that life coulda been a lot better for her, had she not been such a superficial fucking cunt. I guess karma is a bitch.

Unfortunately, you’re the socially awkward kid everyone avoided because you smell and you have no skills that will ever take you to places popstars hang out and if you were there you wouldn’t be able to impress her with your huge penis you’d just probably make her laugh or run away, something you’re used to by now…but thanks to these pictures you don’t need to get into any celebrity high profile circle to make out this bitches tits she’s doing all the work for us….in a few months these fuckers are going to have a baby dominating them, so enjoy it while they last….

Related Posts:

Christina Aguilera’s Pregnancy Tits Pictures
Christina Aguilera’s Crazy Pregnancy Cleavage Pictures
Christina Aguilera’s Crazy Tits in China Pictures
Christina Aguilera’s Tour Bus Video

Posted in:Breasts|Christina Aguilera|cleavage|Nipple|Pregnant|See Through|Tits|Unsorted