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Archive for the Bruna Rocha Category




Bruna Rocha Showing her Butthole for Playboy of the Day

I don’t know who old these bootleg Playboy pics are, but it was probably when the people at Pornhub were running Playboy, before HEF died and he licensed their online division to Pornhub to help Pornhub get private equity investors into their company from NYC hedge fund people, who couldn’t straight up say “WE INVEST IN REALLY HARDCORE PORN THAT WAS BUILT OFF STOLEN COPYRIGHT BUT THAT WAS PROTECTED BY LAWS AND SHELL COMPANIES”….yes I know what goes on in porn even though I hate porn…because I get the email newsletters and have nothing else to read in this hermit life.

The reason I assume it was that era, is because the era of Playboy after Playboy was non-nude, even though instagram is nude…but right before that happened the brand was doing all they could to stay relevant…and that involved the Penthouse approach of showing labia…and tis BRUNA chick, who I can’t find on social media, but according to the Playboy page is Brazilian, in Croatia and multi talented with great tits…and these are her great tits.

Here are the pics…I should plug the Playboy Plus affiliate to get paid off this from them…but too much effort…so jsut click the pics.

Posted in:Bruna Rocha