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The 9/11 Stairmaster Workout of the Day

I am not here to tell you that 9/11 was an inside job to generate a perpetual war, make a lot of people a lot of money off the backs of the tax payers, while also allowing laws to police, track and control the general population on a global level, because I don’t want to be killed by the government for pushing conspiracies.

I am here to say that the 9/11 memes are pretty funny now that the internet is run by people who don’t remember a life before 9/11 because they weren’t born yet.

It’s just one of those things that loses it’s impact as people become desensitized and distanced from it, never really knowing what freedom pre-9/11 was like and just assuming that 9/11 was just a scene in a movie, or an high level insurance scam for the building owners….

There’s enough material on the internet for you to dive into to see if planes actually hit the building, if people were actually inside the building, if there were bombs in the building, if it was a controlled demo, or a direct energy weapon….

I’m more into diving into ass that is being built on a 9/11 fitness journey of climbing the 110 floors in a save gym environment.

Her name is Cali Fuller. She’s fit.

Posted in:Cali Fuller