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Archive for the Casilda Gonzalez Category




Casilda Gonzalez is naked of the Day

I don’ think this is the same CASILDA GONZALEZ

But I do know that the actual Casilda Gonzalez, the one naked in these pictures, who I guess is just trying to make a name for herself doing these “editorial” or “creative” shoots…in efforts to generate some buzz for herself the right way…

She’s pretty fucking naked, not much more to this storyline for me….other than that she’s pretty fucking naked, and if that isn’t putting in the right amount of selling yourself to the media, stripping down for the media, pretending it is empowering and not shameless….you know because the naked body is nothing to be ashamed of…but to me is something that is sacred and best shared with deserving people rather than given away for free, or for a brand…it’s whoring…

But that’s just my opinion, and I’m not complaining, cuz I like whoring whores..without them, I’d never see naked girls.

Posted in:Casilda Gonzalez