I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Unsorted Category




I am -Steve does a Bodyshot Like a Girl of the Day


I have been to bars a few times in my life. I’ll admit that I am a little older and a little disconnected from reality, and this whole Girls Gone Wild rage only happened in the last 5 years, but I’ve been out a couple of times and I have seen this shit go down. The girl lines up on the bar, they cover her in whip cream and booze and a dude, or multiple dudes lick it off and start making out with her….Point of the body shot is to get to know new people and not to get STDs and getting to know a new person by licking off her stomach and shoving your tongue in her mouth is a lot more fun than trying to get them to give you her number, taking her on a date, and hoping that maybe she’ll put out. Girls like being treated like sluts and that’s not to say the girls in the video are sluts, I am sure they are respectable young ladies but I am generalizing here.

Steve sent me in this clip from a night some bar, where he saw two girls doing body shots and felt that they should do body shots off him, like a girl. At first I thought it was really gay, but then I realized 2 girls are giving him a lick down. I wonder if he showered before doin’ this, I know I wouldn’t. Enjoy.

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I am – Bodyshot of the Day: StepTV

Click on the PLAY button. Or, RIGHT CLICK here and SAVE AS to your computer, and then OPEN after the download completes.

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I am – Comment of the Week


I already know this week’s winner of the “Comment of the Week Contest”. Send in your mailing address and we’ll think about sending you a t-shirt or to jail. Cuddles.

Dear Jeezus, while you are on the subject of thongs and being an expert in such things I was wondering if you have seen or know if thongs for 8 to 10 year old girls are currently being produced or worn by afore mentioned subjects?

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I am – Email of the Day

I only get about 3 emails a day, so when they include attachments, I get all excited, thinking that they may be from my ficticious female readers with hot bodies and a love for getting naked for me, but it never is it’s usually just a virus, and not the kind attached to a vagina. This email is actually about some dude’s night out using pheromone sprays. It’s not that interesting, but neither are you so go fuck yourself and die. Cuddles.


I have been reading your site for months, it brings me hours of entertainment followed by days of depression(HA!). I wanted to let you know that I bought some pherlure through your site last week. Here are some pics of me making out with the chick. TRUST ME when I say this, she looked a hell of a lot better in the dark and with a few drinks in me. Don’t worry, I didn’t end up fucking her because I have standards and she has a black boyfriend and a kid. It was a great way to start this bottle. I’ll be going out tonight and if my friend gets pics of me in action and if the chicks aren’t too ugly, I’ll send them your way.

Post this if you want and keep up the site.


I love it when I see my readers dropping my catch phrases, it makes me feel like I have had some kind of useless impact on society. If you want in on this, check out this site.

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I am – Fergie’s Thong


I feel like I should know what type of underwear every girl I know or come in contact with is wearing. I feel like pants should be obsolete when I am in the room, or at least should be taken off to give me a little flash/glance of what the ladies are rockin’ like “Jesus do you approve of these”. I am in the business of making girls famous, and I can only do that by knowing what’s going on down where it counts.

I feel like fergie has a penis and that means I shouldn’t know what’s going on in her BEP Pants, but now that I do I think she should be following these directions from a Herpes Maintenance site:

Keep your lesions clean and dry. You may want to sprinkle some cornstarch in your underwear to help the area stay dry.

Wear cotton or some other type of natural fiber underwear and loose-fitting clothing.

This is where I would put a link to her Official Myspace. But it’s been deleted, but this may still be her email address, let her know we say hi. bepfergie@tmail.com

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I am – Fergie's Thong


I feel like I should know what type of underwear every girl I know or come in contact with is wearing. I feel like pants should be obsolete when I am in the room, or at least should be taken off to give me a little flash/glance of what the ladies are rockin’ like “Jesus do you approve of these”. I am in the business of making girls famous, and I can only do that by knowing what’s going on down where it counts.

I feel like fergie has a penis and that means I shouldn’t know what’s going on in her BEP Pants, but now that I do I think she should be following these directions from a Herpes Maintenance site:

Keep your lesions clean and dry. You may want to sprinkle some cornstarch in your underwear to help the area stay dry.

Wear cotton or some other type of natural fiber underwear and loose-fitting clothing.

This is where I would put a link to her Official Myspace. But it’s been deleted, but this may still be her email address, let her know we say hi. bepfergie@tmail.com

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I am – Carmen Fucked Her Way To the Top


The thing I like about Carmen is that she never hid the fact that she’s a fucking dirt bag of a slut. The kind of girl you get in your bed, if you’re lucky enough to land a bitch like this, which you aren’t because you have never had sex and live with your mother, but step back and pretend you are lucky enough to land a girl like this, well she’s the kind of girl who won’t fuck you proper unless you have something to offer. She’ll just lay on her back like a sack of shit and let you slam dance her as much as you can, knowing that you’ll bust in all of 30 seconds just by lookin at her tits. Anyway, if you were a big producer, or an actor or a rockstar, bitch would show you the time of your life, because she’s be performing. The screaming, pulling of hair and the bouncing off your dick would all be a big show to get you hooked so that you give her a job/money/whatever it is she wants from you, in return. I got nothing but love for hookers, they do what they gotta do to live the life they want to live, and when you are Carmen Electra, you are like the Queen hooker, cuz bitch is all over the fuckin place. I guess the point of the story is, when you get paid to look like a hot slut, and you get what you want for being a hot slut, all you have to make sure you do is maintain that hot slut of a body…through stretches.

Bonus: Carmen Leaves a Hotel
and some poor kid realizes she’s not the perfect looking woman he’s been jerking off to in his magazine all this time….

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I am – Alicia Silverstone is BUSTED (as in disgusting)


I guess what it really comes down to is, who the fuck am I to judge these people, and by people I mean celebrities. They have a lot more money and success in their careers than I ever will, they wear better clothes, and drive better cars than I ever will and they are all household names. I am piss broke,don’t have a job, car or clothes and the only people who know who I am are perverted and probably criminal. But maybe that is why I do what I do. Maybe it’s cuz I am bitter than I am a useless piece of shit all while girls I know I am too good to fuck are raking it in and livin’ large all while being ugly for even me to fuck, and I have some LOW fuckin’ standards. That’s not to say that Alicia is really raking in much more than the 100 dollars a day she gets at comic book conferences where she dresses up like bat girl and signs fat kids’ tits.

I always found this thin-lipped useless piece of d-listed shit ugly. I am talking busted, like the old chevy in my back yard that I would be using to drive me to the unemployment office, but I am too busy posting this shit for you sexual predators….so fuck you and realize that you are the reason I am where I am. Cuddles.

At some event (this is her dressed up, I know…busted.)

After Yoga (this is her not dressed up and equally busted)

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I am – Step Links of the Day


We decided to start a link dump because our site gets no traffic and we figure if we started linking out, maybe people will start to link back to us….I also figured that these are things I would never write a post on, but worth checking out, so let us know what you think and if you have a link send it here.

Todays Links:

Why kids shouldn’t have pets. (HINT: because they fuck them)

When ordinary water guns just aren’t sexy anymore
(No Fat Chicks)

What do you get when you mix rave drugs with more rave drugs? This guy

For Those of you who need an occasion to cum

T Shirt of the Day

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I am – Step Links of the Day


We decided to start a link dump because our site gets no traffic and we figure if we started linking out, maybe people will start to link back to us….I also figured that these are things I would never write a post on, but worth checking out, so let us know what you think and if you have a link send it here.

Todays Links:

Why kids shouldn’t have pets. (HINT: because they fuck them)

When ordinary water guns just aren’t sexy anymore
(No Fat Chicks)

What do you get when you mix rave drugs with more rave drugs? This guy

For Those of you who need an occasion to cum

T Shirt of the Day

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