I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Chloe Coles Category




Chloe Coles Tits for Monster Children of the Day


Chloe Coles is some Australian model I’ve never heard of – but she’s showing her tits and that’s good enough for me.

Sure, you can argue that all girls are posting titty pics, modeling topless, feeling liberated because showing tit is cultural normal, if you don’t show tits, especially as a model, you aren’t shit, you’re not serious, you don’t fit in, and you’re not cool..

This is the kind of trend I wish was the norm when I was a teenager, getting girls to show you her tits back then required work, effort and she’d be called a whore…or a slut and she usually was…

The dream would have been for all those Gap shopping, ill fitting jean wearing girls who made you date them for a year for a handjob….to be girls who were aspiring models, even when they weren’t hot, who got naked…because jerking off to people you know is better than tits you see in magazines and I guess for Chloe Coles family and friends they get to experience both…

Tits everywhere…is good….thanks for being part of it Chloe Coles…you naughty little Australian seductress….

Posted in:Chloe Coles