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Archive for the Chloe East Category




Chloe Monet East is Important of the Day

Chloe Monet East, who I think should go by Chloe East West and not because of Kanye, but because of Compasses…navigation…you know…her tits best be named East and West…or she’s missing out on GREAT opportunity for an opening line for every tinder date, or I guess now that she’s higher profile and uses the fancier celebrity dating apps, dates. “Hi, I’m Chloe East West, This is East, this is West”…kind of thing….

I did my first post on her yesterday because HBO is putting money into marketing this new high school sex show, because HBO are perverts..

She’s on the show, this is from a shoot she did to promote the show, where you can see her big tits…

The show is called Generation or something by Lena Dunham the sexual predator, hence it taking place in High School. at least that is the rumor I heard back when that story came out about how creepy she was with her sister….and I’m just here for the new talent tits…cuz old talent is boring and with everyone wanting to be famous…and all marketing being based on sleaze…we’ll have nudity for years to come….for now, we have Chloe Monet East…she’s 20.

Posted in:Chloe East




Chloe East Titties in Vogue of the Day

Chloe East is some new name – at least to me – but I am such a burnout drunken idiot with early onslaught alzheimers or just total disinterest in all things Hollywood because I fucking hate actors and their soulless lying ways….but she’s got her tits out…so I’ll wikipedia this bitch..

So…in 2013 she was in True blood where she played 11 year old Faerie Girl…then in 2016 she was in Liv and Maddie which sounds like some fucking Disney perverse shit…..and that’s abotu it…

The reason she’s in VOGUE, is probably an advertisement presented as editorial, we call those ADVERTORIALS and yes, magazines like VOGUE will let you pay them to feature your talent if you’re rich enough…the rumor is that’s how Hadid launched Gigi’s career…he bought a cover because nothing too expensive for his rat of daughter and her model dreams…

The ad she’s part of is a LENA DUNHAM produced show, so you know it will fucking suck and likely be some WOKE shit for the HBO streaming app..

The premise:

Generation is a dark yet playful half-hour following a group of high school students whose exploration of modern sexuality (devices and all) tests deeply entrenched beliefs about life, love and the nature of family in their conservative community.

Sounds about right for Dunham, she is someone who was rumored to diddle her sister and no one cancelled her for that….

Not to mention, it’s a little weird all these shows are perverted high school stories, instead of perverted college stories, Hollywood likes the teens…who I guess Chloe West is one of…hence the tits out in Vogue, but she’s not an actual teen so that makes it ok…

Posted in:Chloe East