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Archive for the Christina Milian Category




Christina Milian Bikini for Instagram of the Day

I want to start this post by saying that I do not give a fuck what Christina Milian is up to in her day to day. I do not care if she’s a good mother who is always out partying with the baby no where to be found. I do not care if she’s an attention seeker who gets in a bikini because there was a time she was a low level popstar and everyone watched her video…before being a back-up host on the Voice…not that money is an issue, she’s got writing and producer credit on Bieber songs, which means bitch gets paid, but for these kinds of girls, money is irrelevant, they don’t and never have paid for shit, it’s always been there…what they care about is dudes noticing…and unfortunately, I can’t help but notice bikini pics on instagram and post them – even when the girls aren’t that great, or famous or amazing…it’s a fucking issue, I’d see a therapist, but I’d rather spend my time creeping for more bikini pics.

Posted in:Christina Milian




Christina Milian is Trying on Bikinis for the Internet of the Day

Christina Milian is constantly posting pics of herself in a bikini on her social media, because she’s very busy at pool parties and in her bikini, despite being a mom and very important host on The Voice…

I think when a girl starts posting bikini pic, on bikini pic, on bikini pic of herself, she’s clearly looking for positive male attention or affirmations that she’s ok…

I guess she’s feeling insecure and ugly, or that she’s getting old and losing it along with the elasticity of her vagina thanks to baby making…

Or maybe she thinks she looks great and wants to show the world that she still has it like it was the Dip It Low video, but ultimately, it’s at the point of a lot of bikini…even for someone who loves staring at girls in bikinis…not that I would ever discourage a girl from being in a bikini…but I will call her out for being desperate and luckily I love desperation…especially when coupled with my no standards, because that’s 90 percent of why I get laid…

Posted in:Christina Milian




Christina Milian Bikini for Instagram of the DAy

Christina Milian posted more self shot bikini pics to her social media. She does this enough to make you think she may be crying for attention. Maybe even regretting stopping her slutty Nicki Minaj style career 10 years ago to have a baby with a producer who has made her a lot of money…a baby she clearly doesn’t raise, because she’s too busy in her bikini every fucking day for her social media…since it is the only way her inner slut, that has always been an outter slut, can get the feedback it likes…you know like:

Girl you look hot when you’re wet

Call me please (917)821-9411@christinamilian

I want you

Fascinating stuff, I’m sure they all have a chance with her with their top level seduction skills…but It’s good for her mid-life crisis self esteem…working with Adam Levine will do that to anyone…

Posted in:Christina Milian




Christina Milian’s Insta Bikini and Vape Sex Party of the Day

Christina Milian is a mom…

I don’t know if this behavior is irresponsible for a mom or not. I had a mom early on in life, who was a hooker back in Mexico, and who I saw do some shit far worse than vaping, we’re talking shooting speed and getting railed by white men, one of whom was my dad, for drug money, not food, leading to me being taken by an orphanage where the priests abused me, while she was busy dying of AIDS or some other hooker on drug related illness…

So a little vaping and getting her neck licked isn’t such a horrible thing…especially not when at a Vegas pool party, because that’s what happens at Vegas Pool parties..

I just don’t see how this helps her public image, or her brand, is this some rebellion that her life has become an assistant host on The Voice…instead of being a judge…is it that she never was a mom to her baby anyway, that shit just happened between writing hit Bieber songs with her husband at the time…

I don’t know, it’s like Divorcee taking advantage of the weekend off, turned down for what, hustle that she probably should have left off instagram, but I like on Instagram because I can stare and judge from my couch.

Posted in:Christina Milian




Christina Milian’s Bikini Bullshit of the Day

Christina Milian is on some serious self produced bikini hustle. This is the third or fourth bikini this week…maybe it’s because she knows being the live show host of some shitty show like the Voice is a shitty gig, because she has to be reminded that she’s not the actual host, while Carson Daly is…to some a fate worse than death…but more importantly, she is on a show starring and produced by Adam Avril Lavigne…also a fate worse than death…and that motherfucker posted a pic of his blonde hair, drawing attention to himself, even ending up as a trending story on Facebook, even though he doesn’t matter as a person, in fact he’s the fucking worst, yet people still buy into his pop music bullshit…and I guess getting half naked is how she competes…I’m into it, even though I’m not into her.

Posted in:Christina Milian




Christina Milian in a Bikini of the Day

Christina Milian posted some bikini porn to instagram because I guess she’s figured out that tits get hits, I mean she probably realized that early on in her career when she made that porno music video that was her one hit that lead her to marrying rich people in music, scamming credit on their songs to always get royalty checks, and being the low level host on the Voice, I mean even Carson Daly is more important that her, something I am sure has at least been the reason for one suicide in the history of his career…by some poor fucking watching TRL back in the day…unable to take another bad joke or accept Carson winning…

That said, she’s still up to her old tricks with some pussy grabbing and I dig it…self shot pussy grabbing in a bikini is the new twerk.

Posted in:Christina Milian




Christina Milian in a Bikini Top of the Day

Christina Milian is an interesting attention seeker, who isn’t really interesting at all, but who is interesting enough, when I am posting a story about her….

Sure, this isn’t really a story about her, but rather bikini pics she put on instagram, that I am posting as an excuse to talk about myself and the fact that I am not a racist, since everyone is up on this racist shit, I would bang a black girl, and my inability to bang black girls is because black girls are as racist as that Sterling dude…and think Mexicans are beneath them or some shit…take away their personal property…it’s only fair.

I can’t imagine anyone really cares about this mom who is never Mom-ing, but always at the pool, when she’s not hosting of The Voice Live Shows, a job that doesn’t really make sense, but then again, the show is based on Adam Levine, which also doesn’t make sense, and for that should be killed off….but won’t since it makes too much money…

I mean, her highlight was being popstar who had one dirty video, that would have made me believe she was heading in the right direction of being a giant hooker, which I guess she kind of did, since she gets residuals on all the songs her husband at the time gave her credit on, like all the billion dollar Beiber shit, making her a good candidate to try and K-Fed, if she wasn’t busy making her own strategic slut moves…that I hope are better than these bikini pics…

Posted in:Christina Milian




Christina Milian Booty for Instagram of the Day

Christina Milian posted this picture on Instragram, because it’s a #selfie generation and people are so self involved, especially low level hookers like Christina Milian…that they need to post pictures of their ass that they have a friend take to show off their ass but try to pull it off as s subtle and fun thing to do….when clearly it’s an intentional “I love my ass, compliment my ass, I’m a mom who threw away her career to be a host on the Live Shows of the VOICE, just give me a like, my attention seeking, broken soul needs it”…

Which brings up a funny situation, that instagram is less about the photos you take, and more about the photos taken of you, like some sort of egotistical “look at me” photo album I fucking hate looking at…because there’s not enough spread asshole and too much of this cry for attention when pretending not to cry for attention bullshit.

Fuck you Christina Milian and fuck your baby you neglect because you’re too busy pretending your friend accidentally snapped a pic of your ass, that you accidentally uploaded to your fucking instagram and wrote a desciption to like oops…

Posted in:Christina Milian




Christina Milian Loves her Tits of the Day

Christina Milian loves her tits.

I guess when you’re a single mom you need to focus on your qualities rather than the fact that you’re a single mom because no one really wants that baggage, but when tits are in the mix, all of a sudden…bastard children don’t matter.

Words of wisdom.

Posted in:Christina Milian




Christina Milian in her Bikini for Instagram of the Day

Christina Milian has got these angles on lock…she’s figured out the selfie almost as well as any girl you’ve been dooped by on the internet…you know hit it from the top right and look up and your belly and weak chin look hot…it’s like every girl knows how to trick a motherfucker into going to meet them from Tinder…only to get laid because we are already there and they have a vagina…leading me to believe that the internet has single handedly made ugly people’s live’s better…and for you, that’s probably a good thing…ugly.

Posted in:Christina Milian